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Finote Democracy Voice of Ethiopian Unity Radio 06/01/2013


By Hama Tuma 

Che vergogna as the Italians themselves would say, what a shame! The new Italian center-left government included in its cabinet a Congolese born longtime Italian citizen, Madam Cecile Kyenge (she is married to an Italian and has two children), and all hell has broken loose with the foul side of Italian racism exposed for all to see. She has been called a “Congolese monkey” among other epithets. Another politician said “she can only be a good housewife and not a minister”.

Abune Petros in our heart

By Yilma Bekele

On July 29th. 1936 Abune Petros was executed by the Italian fascist that were trying to colonize our country for his refusal to submit. On May 2nd. 2013 the monument that was built to commemorate our Holy Father was removed by the order of the TPLF party that is currently ruling our country. Our Holy Father died for the first time. The murder by a firing squad was an honor and showed his deep love for his people and country. The fascist killed his body but he made his home in every Ethiopian soul for ever and ever. We all carry Abune Petros in our heart.

May 8/2013


Fifty seven Ethiopian refugees held under inhumane conditions in one of the many prisons of Tripoli are facing a serious danger to their lives at this moment. The refugees including women and babies have been suffering since the upheavals in Libya and have been facing mistreatment that cannot be described but as savage and racist.


There is no freedom of the press in Ethiopia. The attempt to dupe the world with claims to the contrary did not have the life of a dew. Dozens of independent journalists were arrested, tortured even, killed or forced into exile and newspapers banned outright.

Injustice Confirmed in Ethiopia

A court in Addis Abeba, where all courts are controlled by the State, has quashed the appeals by Eskinder Nega (a journalist and blogger sentenced to 18 years in jail) and Andualem Aragie (an opposition leader sentenced to life in prison) and upheld their sentences. This is a sad confirmation of the fact that injustice reigns supreme in Ethiopia and the death of the tyrant has led to no change at all in the hapless country.

Mengistu Hailemariam and our moral compass.

By Yilma Bekele.

Today I felt like crawling under the blanket and just hide. I know that is what children do. They think hiding under the blanket makes them invisible. It give them a feeling of security and that what I was looking for. Some place to hide and feel secure from my clueless people. Clueless is what we are and I guess I just have to live with it. Predictable like the season is how we function and I have to accept it.

Ethiopia’s running squad and Teddy Afro turn up the heat at Doha 2013 Diamond League!

Ethiopians have lived many years under the shadow of the Kenyans in middle distance running, but in recent years a new pack of talented runners are challenging their mighty neighbors.


Posted on 26. April 2013 by Assimba

Hama Tuma

The primary curse goes to that Angelina Jolie person. “Haro sur Angelina”, curse on that Joly who started out with much fanfare the adoption racket of Ethiopian children. The famous actress adopted an alleged orphaned child who was sold away by her own mother and a very cruel government that controls the adoption industry.

By Hizkias Assefa


Most of the wars waged in the Horn of Africa during the past 30 years have been described in terms of ethnic conflict, both by the adversaries themselves and by external analysts. The first and second Sudan civil wars have been characterized as conflicts between the Arabized northerners and African southerners, with cleavages along religious, racial, cultural, and linguistic lines.

The Condition of Refugees and Horn of African Migrant Workers in the Middle East!

Irob Rights Advocacy Association (IRAA)

This is an appeal forwarded to all governments, international organizations and human rights organizations regarding the deplorable human rights violations being committed against Ethiopian, Eritrean, Somali,……etc. Refugees and migrants in the Middle East.  

April 22/2013


The latest report from the US State Department on the human rights situation in Ethiopia is one more example of selective and prejudiced reporting that ignores confirmed and grave human rights relations and tends to suggest, albeit hesitantly, that things are not as bad as they seem.

Britain spends millions on Ethiopian 'special police' linked to abuses

Britain is spending millions of pounds from its foreign aid budget on training Ethiopian paramilitaries that have been accused of human rights abuses including summary killings, rape and torture.

I am an Amara. “ene Amara negne.”-

By Yilma Bekele

"Ich bin ein Berliner."  - "I am a Berliner" Those words were spoken by President John F. Kennedy on June 26, 1963 in West Berlin. He said that to show solidarity with the people of Berlin after the East Germans with the approval of the Soviet Union erected the Berlin Wall to prevent their captive citizens from fleeing to the west.

Ethiopian journalist Reeyot Alemu wins 2013 UNESCO-Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize

Imprisoned Ethiopian journalist Reeyot Alemu is the winner of the 2013 UNESCO-Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize. Ms Alemu was recommended by an independent international jury of media professionals in recognition of her “exceptional courage, resistance and commitment to freedom of expression.”


Ray Weaver
April 8, 2013 - 15:05
DanAdopt’s closed orphanage used an intermediary to convince families to put their children up for adoption

Adoptions from the the Enat Alem orphanage in Ethiopia were recently halted by the social and integration minister, Karen Hækkerup (Socialdemokraterne), based on reports of children being deprived of food, basic care and medical treatment at the facility. Now new reports have surfaced that the home used ‘child harvesters’ to lure local families into putting their children up for adoption at Enat Alem in violation of the Hague Conventions.

Welcome to the whipped nation- FDRE.

Posted on 13. April 2013 by Assimba

By Yilma Bekele

Animal trainers use a whip with a stiff handle to show who the boss is. A whip is used to gain control and achieve compliance using pain. During slavery in the US whipping was a powerful weapon used by the white master.  Whipping to humiliate was the hallmark of the Apartheid regime in South Africa. Whipping is an old fashioned tool and really not that effective. Today psychological form of mental whipping is what is practiced by totalitarian regimes.

Public demonstration against ethnic cleansing – White House – Monday April 8 at 9am


Posted on 27. March 2013 by Assimba

Jonas tameru

As we all know the upcoming kebele & city elections are scheduled to be carried out in the coming month. This election is being carried out with the intention of giving the public a chance to elect its leaders at the lower level of administration. It is known that in Ethiopia most of the government policies and directives are implemented by these lower levels of administration like the sub city and the kebele offices

Graziani and the TPLF, an Ethiopian saga.

By Yilma Bekele

‘The Duce will have Ethiopia, with or without the Ethiopians’. Rodolfo Graziani

I am writing this as a proud Ethiopian because Graziani’s promise to the Fascist dictator was thwarted by my gallant ancestors. If it was not for the bravery and sacrifice of our grandparents, to day our country will be referred to as ex Italian Colony, we will be conversing in Italian, our national dish would be spaghetti and my name will probably be Mario.

A Critical Appraisal of the Diaspora Organized Groups Opposed to the Regime in Ethiopia

Posted on 23. March 2013 by Assimba

Walle Engedayehu, Ph.D.

An Overview
The collective staying-power of the opposition within the Ethiopian Diaspora community against the regime in Addis Ababa still remains in a state of paralysis after more than two decades of cry-out for a unity of purpose, goals, and objectives

Why Are We Funding Abuse in Ethiopia?

Helen Epstein

In 2010, the Ethiopian government began moving thousands of people out of the rural villages where they had lived for centuries to other areas several hours’ walk away. The Ethiopian government calls this program the “Commune Center Development Plan and Livelihood Strategy” and claims it is designed to bring scattered rural populations closer to schools, health clinics, roads, and other public services. But the Commune Center program has been marked by a string of human rights abuses linked to government attempts to clear huge tracts of land for foreign investors.

Why Bob Geldof is wrong about Africa

  • By praising Tony Blair's Gleneagles agreement, celebrity economist shows he knows nothing of the absurdity of aid

Geldof, the lead singer of the Boomtown Rats, sprung to global prominence with his role in Band Aid to raise money for the Ethiopian famine. The single sold nearly 12 million copies; the Live Aid concerts raised £150m. For these efforts Geldof received an honorary knighthood and was elevated to a spokesman for African development.



 March 15, 2013 - EPRP

We would like first of all to congratulate you for your election as the Pope of the Catholic Church. We hope your Beatitude would usher a new and socially concerned era of the important church.

The selling of Ethiopia.

By Yilma Bekele

Actually that statement might not be true. We do know our country is being sold but we have no idea if the bidding has been open or closed. We have sold almost all of Gambella, we have leased half of Afar and Oromia has been parceled out bit by bit. Our Beer factories are under new owners, our gold mines belong to the fake Ethiopian sheik, Telephone is under the Chinese and our Airlines is looking for a suitor. Have we always looked for outsiders to own us?



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(አዲስ ግጥም ያድምጡ)

Anti-Amihara Deportation Demonstration in Norway April 2013

Courageousness VS.Greediness(From summra Akale,7th grader)

Dr. Girma Abebe about the Fascist war crimes in Ethiopia ,the recent inauguration of a monument for the "Butcher of Ethiopia"(A.K)

EPRP: Answers to Your Questions on ESAT ጥያቄ አለኝ Part 2

EPRP: Answers to Your Questions on ESAT ጥያቄ አለኝ Part 1

State of Emergency

Watch this captivating video, showing life in Ethiopia as it is many times, a state of emergency.

Must-watch: How young Ethiopian girls ended up in an Israeli jail, and a civic group known as "Save Ethiopia" successfully fought for the freedom of the girls.

Ephrem Madebo of Ginbot 7 Ethiopian opposition movement at Eritrean Festival in Oakland


EPRP-YL: Interview with EPRP youth: ለጥያቄዎቻችሁ ሁሉ መልስ

Ethio Christians and Muslims WE ARE ONE! ፀረ ወያኔ ትግላችን ይፎፎም!!

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