African Union in rift with court

The African Union says it will halt co-operation with the International Criminal Court over its decision to charge Sudan's leader with war crimes.

President Omar al-Bashir was indicted over alleged atrocities in the Darfur region in March.


A congress of youth delegates held in Chicago has formed the EPRP Youth League on June 29, 2009.  The congress was attended by young delegates from various places while others took part via a teleconference.   A special message from the EPRP centre in Addis Ababa was read to the Congress participants.

IEWO Forum’s this coming weekend discussion program.

Prof Mesfin Araya will be guest IEWO PalTalk Forum

Two shot at Ethiopia church site

(BBC News)

Ethiopian police have shot and killed two people who were helping to build a Christian church at a site which is also claimed by Muslims, officials say.

Violence broke out when police tried to stop the construction in Dessie, 250km (155 miles) north-east of Addis Ababa.

Washington Update - June 30, 2009

Effort to get legislation introduced in the U.S. Congress supporting human rights, democracy and economic development in Ethiopia is moving forward.


(Breaking News )
Reports coming from Chicago reveal that the founding congress of the EPRP Youth League has been completed with success on 29 June 2009.  Delegates took part and solidarity messages from Ethiopia and other places were also read to the Congress. The Congress has approved the League’s draft constitution and structure. (More detail and official communiqué of the youth body will be posted soon...)


30 Jun 2009 07:15:00 GMT
Source: Human Rights Watch
Reuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are the author's alone.
(Nairobi) - Ethiopia's draft counterterrorism law could punish political speech and peaceful protest as terrorist acts and encourage unfair trials if enacted, Human Rights Watch said today.

Of Modern Slavery and Same Old Slaves

Hama Tuma

We all hear countless accusations and denunciations being hurled at what has come to be known as modern slavery. Talk of slavery and it is only on June 18/2009 that the US Senate issue a formal apology. One news report put it as follows:

The Senate adopted a resolution Thursday (June 18) offering a formal apology for slavery and the era of “separate but equal” Jim Crow laws that followed. After the clerk finished reading the resolution (S Con Res 26) in full, Iowa Democrat Tom Harkin, the measure’s sponsor, noted that Congress has never before issued a formal apology for slavery”.

June 24 2009

The deceptive regime of Meles Zenawi is adept at fabricating false slogans and fake priorities which it cleverly passes to foreign news medias and agencies. In this vein, it has recently circulated a non issue like the possible stepping down of Meles Zenawi from his post as prime minister and tried to cover up the main point that the coming 2010 election is going to be rigged and false as has been witnessed before.


Here follows a message on Hama Tuma’s  book from Avital Inbar, a well known Israeli translator  (he just translated the second part of Marjane Satrapi’s PERSEPOLIS).

Dear Friends,

Allow me to highly recommend an Ethiopian book that I have been reading very slowly for the past two weeks, very slowly so it won’t end. I didn’t translate it (Dori Parnes’ translation is exquisite) so my recommendation is pretty objective. I asked the quality-addicted publisher, Saray Gutman, to send me the press release and the cover (enclosed) so you’ll know what I’m talking about and so you won’t confuse this book with other Ethiopian books.

Ethno-centric Fascism in Ethiopia

By Seifu Tsegaye Demmissie

In my opinion, the presence of a fascist force and person commanding absolute political power in Ethiopia is not as adequately debated and discussed as it ought to be. The purpose of this piece is to make a modest contribution to understanding the nature and variant of fascism in Ethiopia and waging an appropriate struggle to abolish it.

“Languages are not strangers to one another, but are, a priori and apart from all historical relationships, interrelated in what they want to express.”
Walter Benjamin in “The Task of the Translator”

Western culture has a penchant for worshipping the exotic from a safe myopic distance, overlooking the human reality rubbing up against its elbows and knees, unintentionally creating cross-cultural connections comical, frustrating, and inspirational all at once. Israel, literally and figuratively, finds itself somewhere between Europe and Africa.

JUNE 20/2009



The deplorable human rights situation and the economic crisis have led to the increase in the number of Ethiopian refugees. Hundreds have perished this year alone trying to reach Italy or Yemen. Thousands of young women have also been trafficked to the Middle East and Europe to face a precarious existence as refugees/sex workers.

An Open letter to Ato Mersha Yoseph - BREAKING NEWS OR BREAKING EPRP?

By Obo Arada Shawl

The crocodile group is dead

The animal group is imprisoned

The oak is burning

Shaebia and Woyane, give us a break



Was this communicant Political, Intellectual or Ideological? We demand answers.

VOA (voice of America) on June 13 - a day of reckoning - broadcasted an interview with two veteran members of EPRP leadership.

The interview by Tizta Belechew was poignantly straightforward. Here are the two main points of contention.

Ethiopia – Born Again Politicians

Alex Birhanu –

What prompted me to write this article under the title: ‘Ethiopia- Born Again Politicians’? I happen to observe few articles popping-up these days with the news that a paradigm shift and “strategic” power struggle is on the making.


JUNE 15/2009


The charade of the kangaroo court of the ruling EPRDF is in full swing. Citizens accused of plotting assassination and other terror actions are being parade before State controlled judges who trample on due process as a matter of routine.

Eritrea - Is Afewarki Face of Hate or the Face Hero?

Belihu Chekene -

This article is the result of 4-recent articles I read as indicated in my reference list below. I’m aroused to write this article as a response to those earlier articles and share my opinion with the wider Ethiopian readers. Hence, comments from all directions are most welcome as this is the only way we clear the shadows of dangerous events from happening.

June 11/2009


The leader of Libya Muaamar Gadafi is visiting Italy and there are reports that relations between the two countries are going to improve considerably. This does not at all augur well for refugees who are being deported by Italy back to Libya. Hundreds of refugees from Iraq, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, North Africa, etc have lost their lives trying to make it to Italy from Libya. Recently,

June 11/2009


The Deputy Police Commissioner of the ruling EPRDF, Hassan Shifa, has blatantly lies about the practice of torture in Ethiopia under the EPRDF by boldly declaring that "not only we do not do torture but we do not even have one instrument to do it with". Hassan Shifa is a central committee leader of the Tigrai Liberation Front (TPLF)....

Issayas Afewarki’s New Testament versus His Old Testament

“Old Testament vs. New Testament” - In real world the Old Testament lays the foundation for the teachings and events found in the New Testament. As such the Bible is a progressive revelation. If you skip the first half of any good book and try to finish it, you will have a hard time understanding the characters, the plot, and the ending. In the same way, the New Testament is only completely understood when it is seen as a fulfillment of the events, characters, laws, sacrificial system, covenants, and promises of the Old Testament.

Ethiopian student won world physics challenge contest


several leaders and veteran members of the opposition Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party (EPRP) fell into the hands of the Tigrai liberation Front (TPLF) in Gondar and Gojjam following a wart launched by the latter and its allies against the EPRP. The Sudanese regime of Omar Beshir, an ally of the TPLF, also handed over several EPRP members who were refugees of whom Azanaw Demile has been disappeared since.

June 8/2009


MAY--JUNE 2005-- the EPRDF regime committed fraud and cancelled the results of the general election. Its defeat was turned into "victory", more than 200 peaceful protesters shot dead, close to 50,000 people rounded up and sent to prison camps (Zwai, Shoa Robit, Dedesa and Bir Sheleko) and "ghost" prisons all over Ethiopia.

Eritrea - Issayas Afewarki an Absurd War-Monger

Abrham Berhe

Whenever they see critics of Issayas Afewarki some commentators ask what about Meles Zenawi. Usually a writer has a specific goal and bounds to restrict one’s views when the writer starts composing on a given topic. That means I don’t have to jump all over and address all leaders in the region inclusive of Meles. Here and now my very sole concern is to write about the agonies faced in Eritrea by Eritrea’s highly feared leader Issayas Afewarki.

Ethiopia - Don’t Let Loose Lips Sink the Ship

Alex Birhanu –

As a people we must be able to believe in principle and seriously consider that passion should be driven by principle and surrounded by reason.

Washington Update June 8, 2009

Obama signs bill limiting military uses of American aid. President  Obama signed H.R. 1125, the “Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009”   on March 11. The bill includes language that limits the use of certain American military assistance to several countries, including Ethiopia.

Call me by my Name, Address or Title …NAT

By Obo Arada Shawl - June 7, 2009 I am ignorant, please educate meOn FerenjiI am ignorant

Hyper G7 has done it Again!!

By Yelfiwos Wondaya

If and when the fate of our nation is determined must be determined not by a small group of elites who desires to control state power but by the people of Ethiopia themselves.

Hi my friends,I really appriciate your patience and strength to be involved for a long time in a poletical struggle.

Comment- rahel yergashewa

Hi my friends,

I really appriciate your patience and strength to be involved for a long  time in a poletical struggle. It has been 40 year since EPRP started its struggle. You are not able to bring any change for the Ethiopian people who is currently suffering from the tyrant weyane during these 40 year.

ERITREA: A Nation Turned into Grand Prison

Customarily come the month of May, Eritrean Independence Day is what comes into the picture for any Eritrean first. Rightfully it was so. Indeed, with the ardent sacrifice and unflinching support of TPLF, on May 24, 1991 Eritrea happens to claim its national independence from Ethiopia.

Documentary exposes Ethiopia’s political vulnerability amid risks of following Burma and Zimbabwe into tyranny

By David Calleja

(David Calleja is a contributing writer for Foreign Policy Journal and several other websites with a focus on the Southeast Asian Region. You may view a sample of his writing at: The following article is his interview with Chris Flaherty, the documentary producer and director of the Ethiopian-centred documentary, Migration of Beauty)

Ethiopia – Here We Go Again- The Gunboat Guys Did It As Predicted!

By Alex Birhanu –

Funny enough we are told by Eritrean /“Ethiopian”/ Review article of May 28th 2009 that Andargachew Tsigie the Secretary General of Gunboat-7 Movement is currently on a working visit in Asmara, Eritrea mainly holding talks with Issayas Afewrki’s regime on how to create a united front with Ethiopian People’s Patriotic Front (EPPF), OLF and ONLF.

Aid Ironies: A Response to Jeffrey Sachs

Dambisa Moyo: author of Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How there is a Better Way for Africa

 Ahead of the publication of my book Dead Aid, an author friend of mine cautioned me about responding to opponents who found it necessary to color their criticism with personal attacks. This, he argued, is a tried and tested way of side-stepping the issues and providing a smoke screen when faced with a valid argument.

Ethiopia's new climate of fear

David Dadge -, Tuesday 19 May 2009 08.00 BST

Despite the generosity of donor nations, Ethiopia is ruled by an authoritarian government with virtual impunity

The European Union, United States and other major donors will pump about $2.5bn (£1.6bn) into Ethiopia this year, a sum that does not even begin to include the cost of medicines, famine relief and countless other services provided by non-profit groups in one of the world's most impoverished countries.

SOLUTIONS WITH DEBTERAW, X: Are Eathiopians defined by Arts or Religion?

Call me by my name, address and title - Obo Arada Shawl
May 23, 2009

History of Arts

Any real history starts at the grassroots. Any one of the following seven disciplines is a type of visual art. This may be a simplified version of what we know about visual arts means. Eathiopians do not seem to have problems in distinguishing these types of arts.

Go To Past Archived Page >

Ali Saeed Speaks About Torture in Ethiopia - June 25, 2009

EPRP-Historical Footages
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Global Forum on Freedom of Expression

Support Finote Democracy Radio

Voice of Ethiopian Unity

Birhanu Gebrie’s legacy

From his sister Worke Zike




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