IEWO Radio: Telela Kebede and yeharer werk Gashaw

New E Africa food crisis warning


Rising food prices are putting millions of people in East Africa at risk of severe hunger and destitution, the UK-based charity Oxfam has warned.

Droughts, war and poverty have put an estimated nine to 13 million people in the region in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, it says.

The situation has been made worse by rising food prices, with wheat and rice particularly expensive.

A BBC correspondent says some people have started to eat animal feed.

Many people in the remote north-eastern Afar region raise animals for a living but many camels have died and the goats are starting to succumb to hunger too.


The TPLF army continues killing civilians in Afar region, Ethiopia

Press Release July 21, 2008

The TPLF army continues its terror and intimidation on the Afar civilian. One of the latest victims was a 16 years old school boy Ibrahim Mohamed Suula. July 13, 2008 the army shot dead Ibrahim at village of Urissi near Gewani. Ibrahim was one of brilliant students in Gewani Boarding School and at the time he was visiting his parents during the school vacation. He was watching over the family’s cattle there an unprovoked army sniper shot him to death. The other boy with him got wounded but managed to escape.

For Your File! Ethiopian Semay-blog
Getachew Reda

CALL ME BY MY NAME: After the symposium

Obo Arada Shawl alias Wolde Tewolde   - July 13, 2008

TPLF seeks Light where there is none
EPLF seeks Victory where there was once
OLF seeks Democracy on the ground
EPRP seeks Knowledge above ground

Photo Gallery - Debteraw Symposium 2000 -- Washington D.C. July 3, 2008

Repeated lies only breed more lies


One of the oldest Ethiopian proverbs said that “wushet sidegagem ewunet yehonal”. The literal meaning of this is that when a lie repeated for a while it becomes a truth. I do not know if this proverb makes sense to English speakers, but it has a deep root in Ethiopian culture. That is why I begin my comment in this well known Ethiopian proverb. However, before I go too far, contrary to this Ethiopian myth, I would like to admit that repeated lie only breeds more lies than a minute truth.

Nevertheless, the person who I am presenting to you seems closely familiar to the above proverb, and used it very well to explain her case. Her name is Saba Mistlal Desta Webb. At one time, this woman was a member and fighter of TPLF (Tigray People Liberation Front).

IEWO Radio - 06/29/2008
Interview on Professor Asrat's commemoration day

Engineer Hailu Shawel & Dr. Taye Interview with Ethiopiawinet Betegbar Paltalk Radio 

Putting Unity First: Sharing the Values of Human Rights, Social Solidarity and Social Justice in Ethiopia!

Mammo Muchie, Dphil
Professor  Coordinator of DIIPER

Report: War crimes in Ethiopia intensify

By Katie Vandever
Updated Jul 2, 2008, 10:40 amUNITED NATIONS (IPS/GIN)—

Ethiopia’s government and armed forces have intensified their use of violence since a battle last year against rebels in eastern Ethiopia’s Somali Region, according to a new report. The army has been committing war crimes and crimes against humanity by subjecting ethnic Somali nomads to executions, torture and rape, said Human Rights Watch.

Mr. Obang_Metho_Addresses_Ethiopians in Washington DC: Why Should All Ethiopians See the Border Issue as a Collective Threat to Our Existence as a Nation and People? July 2, 2008


socepp emblemThe Federal Supreme Court in Addis Ababa has ruled against the Ethiopian Teachers'Association and declared the government controlled "ETA" as the legal association. The satellite group is expected to appropriate the asset of the ETA (buildings, cash, cars,etc..) estimated at 12 million Birr.


Cordially invites you to join us on Sunday, June 29th 2008 @ 7:00 EST
Giving you assessment on KINIJIT General Assembly and much more ….

A SYMPOSIUM HELD IN SEATTLE: Former Officials Gave Testimonies, Discussed Ethiopia’s Boundary Lines crises

By Zewge Fanta


Obo Arada Shawl alias Wolde Tewolde July 1, 2008

Head-to-Head of EPRP Collective leadership
Heart-to-Heart of EPRP Membership
Face-to-Face of EPRP Army
Soul-to-Soul of Ethiopians


To reach consensus on how to fight for the release of Debteraw Tsegeye

Two ways to look at Debteraw’s a One Day Event. The Inward and the Outward.

THE INWARD will be a conversation with our self. It will be an examination of a dialogue that requires us the courage to be honest about who we are, what we are doing, and what we want. This requires the courage to sort those things we have come to cherish about ourselves from those things that we picked along the Long March of EPRP that caused us harm.

Treacherous Generosity: Zenawi Ceding the Western Front  
By Adane Atanaw

The decision made by Ato Meles to cede land without the participation and full consent of the Ethiopian people amply proved that foreign entities has more leverage on his decision making process over the very Ethiopian citizen he claims to represent. Furthermore, the revelation of the give-away of land to the Sudan reinforced and proved our long held view that Ato Meles is soft when it comes to the vital interest of Ethiopia.


Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit): The Struggle for Democracy

Prevails - KIAB, June 12, 2008

The struggle for democratic unity, freedom, the rule of law, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Ethiopian people prevails against formidable odds. Seeds of division, rancor, discord, character assassination, strategies and tactics placing blame on certain national leaders and groups as means to create and perpetuate animosity and mistrust among nationalities are, we believe, short lived. Ethiopia’s mosaic of nationalities and religious groups has proven, time and again, that Ethiopians share a common political, social, cultural, economic and geographical space that is durable and lasting. Their destiny is intertwined; nothing will break this enduring legacy of democratic unity of the Ethiopian people.


Any Eritrean tried to cross border faces immediate execution (Amharic)

The Resolution of Food Crises in Africa Requires Building an Integrated African National Economy

Mammo Muchie, DPhil Professor Coordinator of DIIPER
Network of Ethiopian Scholars (NES) _ May 25, 2008

Walleligne Mekonnen


JUNE 20/2008

Armed Issa raiders attacked, from June 10 to June 12, the towns of Mille and Adaytu killing two health workers and close to 30 civilians in what is now considered an ongoing attempt to appropriate Afar land.


The plight of Ethiopian refugees has gone from bad to worse in the past few years. Thousands who have fled to war torn Somali and to the port of Bosaso to make the dangerous sea trip to Yemen have perished in their hundreds as cruel traffickers throw them to sharks and Yemeni soldiers attack them with speed boats and guns. Thousands have drowned now from Yemen to the Mediterranean.


June 2008

TSEGAYE GEBRE MEDHIN (DEBTERAW), Yishak Debre Tsion, Amha Bellete, Sitotaw Hussein, Teklai Gebre Sellasie, Hagos Bezabih and Desalegn Amsalu fell into the hands of the Tigrean front (EPRDF) soldiers in Quara and Gazge districts/Gondar/ and were all taken to Bahr Dar town /Gojjam/ and kept in prison for more than a month and then taken to Tigrai region/Makalle/.


Crisis in Ethiopia: Meles Will Ultimately Fall—Are We Ready?

June 21, 2008

The failures of the Meles regime are rapidly accumulating and not only Ethiopians know about it now. The news and incriminating evidence is reaching out into the international community and it will soon become increasingly difficult to suppress and excuse the behavior of this oppressive dictatorship.

Human Rights Perpetrators: “Watch Out, You May Not Find the West a Safe Haven Anymore!”


As pleased as the Anuak Justice Council is with the recent decision by Canadian authorities to deny entry into Canada to Omot Obang Olum, the Anuak governor of the Gambella region suspected of complicity in the Anuak massacre of 2003, we are far more pleased with the prospects of what this means to other Ethiopians suspected of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity who may attempt to seek entry or asylum in the West.


Ethiopia - Will it ever be able to stave off starvation?

Famine is once again threatening the continent's second-most-populous country and once again its government is partly to blame

GORU GUTU is perched in the misty heights of the steep hills above Harar, in eastern Ethiopia. For the poorest, life here is still akin to serfdom—minus a tsarist order. The government owns the land; a banner over its local office proclaims “the people” to be “the base of all development”. Yet labourers get by in Goru Gutu district much as they have always done, tilling soil by hand, digging ditches, doing whatever it takes to buy a few cups of grain to keep their families alive.


IEWO interviews Dr. Taye Woldesemayat Part II

The Massacre in the Afar region, Ethiopia

Afar Human Rights Organisation (AHRO) Press Release
June 14, 2008

A well planned military attack by contraband-led Issa-Somalis took place in Mille and Adaytu villages of the Afar Region which are situated some 530 km from the capital Addis Ababa between June 10 and June 12, 2008. The first attack was on health team from regional health bureau who was on vaccination campaign mission to Leedi Kebele, where two government employees were massacred cold-blooded and their vehicle was confiscated.


Eng. Hailu Shawel's interview with IEWO

VOA i9nterview with the Meregeta (English)

Crisis in the Afar region - Fighting between Issa (Somali clan) and Afar between Mille and Adayto

11th June 2008

Outbreak of fighting in Adayto/ Mille central to the region as of Wednesday 11th June 2008 has been reported.



June 13/2008

The bodies of six strangled people have been found under bridges and in ditches in several parts of Addis Ababa. The faces of the dead were covered by shawls/shash/.The corpses have been taken to the Menelik Hospital Morgue but there have been no report on their identities.




Obo Arada Shawl alias Wolde Tewolde   June 13, 2008

There is the Natural Way

And there is the Artificial Way

There is the Wrong Way

And there is the EWAY Ethiopia


On Saturday morning, June 7, 2008, there was a race – a race not for power, not for time or for revenge but a race for a CURE (Breast Cancer). The winner was ABYOT ABEBE. He stood 1st out of the 40, 000 participants. What a name! He must have been born during the Ethiopian Revolution. Deciphering his name tells me that the Eway Revolution is still blooming as he won the race for cure to bring peace and prosperity for Ethiopia

Eritrea denies hostile intentions

Nairobi, Kenya - 12 June 2008 11:44

Eritrea on Thursday denied any hostile intentions towards neighbouring Djibouti following a border clash in which two Djibouti soldiers were killed.

Ethiopian children face starvation

By Gavin Hewitt
BBC News, Ethiopia

Ethiopian boy Tareknge and his mother
More than 126,000 Ethiopian children could be affected by malnutrition
A woman walks slowly down a track between eucalyptus trees. On her back is a boy, his head emaciated and swollen.


She is just one of several hundred mothers who have walked for hours to find help. But her son, whose name is Tareknge, is starving.

His is the face of hunger and the face of a crisis that is developing in Ethiopia's south-west.


The Ethio-Eritrean Future : Some Reflections

May 10, 2008       Mesfin Araya*

It has been fifteen years since Eritrea formally declared its independence as a sovereign nation-state. The price paid was immeasurable : especially for over a decade and a half , Eritrean as well as Ethiopian blood had indiscriminately intermingled , overflowing the streams , the mountains , and the rugged dessert of Eritrea .


JUNE 9/2008

Reliable reports reaching the EPRP confirm that Sudanese troops have occupied three major districts of Gambella: JIKAW, AKOBO and ITANG (partially). Moreover, Sudanese air force transport planes have also landed at Gambella airport bringing in Sudanese officials. Jikau, Itang and Akobo are mainly inhabited by Nuers though there are considerable number of Anuaks in Jikau and Akobo.


'Everyone's starving' in Ethiopia, aid worker says

SHASHAMANE, Ethiopia (AP) -- Like so many other victims of Ethiopia's hunger crisis, Usheto Beriso weighs just half what he should. He is always cold and swaddled in a blanket. His limbs are stick-thin.


But Usheto is not the typical face of Ethiopia's chronic food problems, the scrawny baby or the ailing toddler. At 55 years old, he is among a growing number of adults and older children -- traditionally less vulnerable groups -- who have been stricken by severe hunger because of poor rains and recent crop failure in southern Ethiopia, health workers say.

"To see adults in this condition, it's a very serious situation," nurse Mieke Steenssens, a volunteer with Doctors Without Borders, told The Associated Press as she registered the 5-foot, 4-inch Usheto's weight at just 73 pounds (33 kilograms).

Fighting kills at least 12 in Mogadishu

Somalia, Mogadishu

Artillery battles between allied Somali-Ethiopian troops and Islamist insurgents killed at least 12 people on Sunday around Mogadishu's sprawling Bakara Market, residents said.
One witness said at least 20 mortar bombs exploded in the heart of Somalia's coastal capital as the rebels attacked advancing Ethiopian forces with barrages of rockets.


Gambellan Governor’s Visit Brings International Publicity to Genocide Despite Attempts to Evict Press

June 5, 2008

Thanks to the visit from the government-appointed governor of Gambella, Omot Obang Olum, himself a suspected genocide collaborator, the story of the genocide of the Anuak on December 13-15, 2003 has reached an international audience through the Associated Press’ story that is now circulating in thousands newspapers throughout the world. The Anuak Justice Council counts this a great victory for unveiling the truth about the heinous crimes committed by the EPRDF military and government-incited militia groups against the Anuak.

Ethiopians drink from cup of sorrow

By Elizabeth Blunt
BBC News, Addis Ababa

By 0900, the children at Bisidimo Hospital, near Ethiopia's eastern town of Harar, are on their third feed of the day.

Young boy at Bisidimo hospital
The weakest children have red mugs, the stronger ones blue and green

Hospital staff have set up a table under the shade trees in the grounds.

On it are three plastic pails - one red, one green and one blue - and health workers are busy ladling out different kinds of formula milk into matching, colour-coded mugs.


Sudan's Illegal actions against Ethiopian Farmers Intensified
June 4/2008

Fresh reports from Ethiopia and the Sudan reveal that Sudanese troops occupying parts of Ethiopia have continued to violate the rights of Ethiopian farmers and farm workers. More Ethiopians have been kidnapped and others killed on the spot. It is not yet known if the freshly kidnapped ones have been taken to the Sinja prison (2 hours drive out of Khartoum) where the first batch of men and women prisoners are being held.


Ethiopia says 4.5 million people need food aid - Tue 3 Jun 2008, 12:34 GMT

By Barry Malone

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Ethiopia said on Tuesday that 4.5 million of its people needed emergency food aid -- more than 1 million more than an earlier estimate of 3.4 million


In Memory those of Eritrean Heroes/Heroines who Struggled for Ethiopianess under the Moto ”Ethiopia WeykaAa Mot” (Fikree Hager)

CALL ME BY MY NAME: Solutions with Debteraw, XXVIII


Obo Arada Shawl alias Wolde Tewolde

June 3, 2008

About nine months ago, I wrote an article about Dignity and Pride in relation to EPRP. (See call me by my name: XVIII). Now it seems to me that Ethiopians are giving up hope of restoring dignity and pride by not paying a simple price known as RESPECT to oneself and other

Un-elected Gambella Governor: The Choice is Yours--Exploitation or Apology?

May 30, 2008

The Anuak Justice Council wishes to make it known that the Director of International Advocacy, Mr. Obang Metho, will not be attending the meeting with un-elected and illegitimate Omot Obang Olum in Minneapolis on Saturday, May 31, 2008 or in Calgary, Canada on June 7, 2008 because it is not seen to be a legitimate venue to address the human rights crimes committed against his own people, the Anuak, over the last ten years.

Ethiopian Teachers' Association Fighting For Its Very Existence

For fifteen years the Ethiopian Teachers Association has fought to retain its right to organise as an independent trade union. Its members have faced beatings, sacking, imprisonment, torture and death whether gunned down in the street, dying in prison or being disappeared. Now it is involved in a battle for its very survival.



MAY 29/2008 -

SOCEPP had reported earlier on the plight of 15 Ethiopian refugees deported from the Sudan and handed over to the EPRDF regime. In the early nineties, Azanaw Demile, a refuge who was a member of the EPRP, was deported in a similar way and has disappeared since.


Gambella Governor: Truth and Justice First!

May 28, 2008 - The Anuak Justice Council has learned that Omot Obang Olum, the governor of the Gambella region of Ethiopia, is coming to Minnesota on May 30th and Canada on June 4th for the purpose of meeting with the Anuak.

Who is Omot Obang Olum? We Anuak know him to be a loyal collaborator with the EPRDF government of Meles Zenawi. He has paid dearly for his favored relationship with the Woyane with our Anuak blood. Official reports back this up.     Read More>>>

Ethiopia 's Supreme Court has sentenced former ruler Mengistu Haile Mariam - in absentia - to death.


Go To Past Archived Page >

EPRP Chicago Meeting

Betrayal of Democracy: Ethiopia

Prof. Ephraim Isaac's view on Ethio-Sudan Border.. Ambushed at ESFNA Washington DC (ABOVE)

Ethiopian boy Tareknge and his mother

More than 126,000 Ethiopian children could be affected by malnutrition

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