Ato Mersha Yosefe of the EPRP leadership will be guest intrviewee of the Ethiopians Struggle for Democracy and Unity paltalk room on Friday February 16, 2007 from 3:00pm Eastern Time or 21:00 Central European Time.


Free all prisoners of conscience NOW!

As Ethiopian communities around the glob are gearing up for mass rallies, prayer vigils, and awareness campaigns , in the coming week as we did last week, let us not forsake the disappeared!

"Despite denials, it is now common knowiedge that the EPRDF operates very many "ghost houses" (private residences turned into prisons and torture centers) in Addis Abeba and other towns and has, in the provinces,turned government establishments/houses into secret prisons. Many of the inmates of these prisons and ghost houses become the disappeared ."


Grand Ethiopian community Demonstration in Toronto on Tuesday, 13 Feb 2007
(12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.)


Ethiopian community public rally in Toronto
on Tuesday, 15 Feb 2007



Alemayehu G. Mariam

(Text of speech given at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University on February 8, 2007.)

Thank you very much. Good evening, and thank you all for coming to this event.

Before I make my presentation, I would first like to thank the sponsors of this event.

First, I would like to thank the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Kennedy School of Government.

The Carr Center was established to provide a balanced and critical perspective on the policies and actions of national governments and others that affect the realization of human rights with the ultimate aim of improving human rights advocacy strategies, monitoring practices, and response mechanisms.



The Daniel Bekele Project
Justice for One, Justice for All


We are writing to request your legal, social and political intervention on behalf of Daniel Bekele, a human rights attorney, activist and scholar who is a Prisoner of Conscience in Ethiopia.


At the University of Oxford, Daniel is a Ph.D. candidate with a Masters degree in Legal Research, in addition to a L.L.B in Law and a Masters degree in Development Studies from Addis Ababa University. As an attorney, Daniel’s fields of expertise are in Public International Law, Human Rights Law and Law in Development.  Daniel actively participated in the Global Call to Action Against Poverty and he worked as a policy and advocacy manager to push for civic engagement in the political process at ActionAid Ethiopia, the South Africa-based international development organization.  He also published papers with a focus on the freedom of expression and the application of international human rights law in his homeland of Ethiopia.  Daniel’s contribution of his knowledge and his passion for peace shows his dedication to his belief in a peaceful and democratic change in Ethiopia.



Assimba PalTalk Room Inteview 02/03/2007

Release all political prisoners now !

Solidarity Committee for Ethiopian Political Prisoners (SOCEPP), 28 January 2007

As the EPRDF regime readies itself to sentence the jailed leaders of the Opposition to heavy prison terms, it is spreading the rumor that a certain number of them would be released/or not sentenced at all while others would languish in Kailiti for years. This insidious campaign is also accomapnied by the attempt to limit the focus of attention on selected political prisoners while covering up the fact that close to 50,000 people are behind bars or in underground holes for political reasons.

PUBLIC AI Index: AFR 25/002/2007
02 February 2007

UA 25/07: Fear of torture or ill-treatment/ incommunicado detention

ETHIOPIA: Endalkachew Melese (m), aged 23, student
Daniel Hailemariam (m)
Fantaye Beyene (m)
Hirut Kifle (f)
Menbere Tsegaye (m)
Saba Mekonnen (f)
Tigist Tilahun (f)
Zenebe Tadesse (m), aged 34
And over 30 other supporters of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy

Those named above, all supporters of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) opposition party, are being held incommunicado at the police Central Investigation Bureau prison (known as Maikelawi) in the capital, Addis Ababa. According to reports, they may have been tortured, and are at risk of further torture or ill-treatment.


Free our leaders Action Center

Free our leaders Action Center  is open now @ www.Kinijitethiopia.Org 

please visit this link and take action now

We appeal to all political and civic organizations, the media, human rights groups and individualscommitted to the cause of human rights & democracy to support our just cause)  Be part of the February 2007 global campaign to free Ethiopian prisoners of conscience
(World Wide demonstrations February 14 , 15 & 16 in  USA, Europe, Africa, Australia & Canada)
 please visit this link and take action now
Thank you


Georgetown's King Celebration Anything But

For the past five years, University President John J. DeGioia and his staff have dutifully cultivated programs that reflect the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. I am grateful for their efforts, and cheer them on for their work to unite the Georgetown and Washington, D.C. communities in the spirit of Dr. King. But that spirit was absent during this year’s Legacy of a Dream ceremony at the Kennedy Center. There was the usual talk of racial justice and inclusiveness, but as a student member of the GU MLK Coordinating Committee, which planned the event, I observed racial exclusivity and a lack of diversity at the Kennedy Center. It’s time for Georgetown to put its rhetoric into action.



From Assimba PalTalk Room this past weekend

Saturday January 20, 2007:

Dr. Taye W/Semayat of Ethiopian Teachers Association and Ato Kifle Mulat of Ethiopian Free press were at Assimba PalTalk room on Saturday January 20, 2007 to address Ethiopians from around the world regarding their recent call on all opposition groups, civic organizations, religious leaders, know citizens and elders to convene a unity conference to galvanize the Diaspora to stand up against tyranny.

Sunday January 21, 2007:

UEDF leadership Ato Fasika Belete  UEDF Chairman,Lt. Ayal-Sew Dessye -UEDF Vice Chairman and  Ato Dereje Kebede UEDF General Secretary discussed the current political situation of the country and were asked the progress of their call for united national conference and gave their affirmative response to the recent call of unity conference of the civic group headed by Dr. Taye W/Semayat and Ato kifle Mulat.

On both days, all guests reassured the audience that Ethiopian unity is not negotiable!


Inquiry Commission West Coast Tour
Alemayehu G. Mariam

Never was so much owed by so many to so few…
How does one thank those who put everything on the line to stand up for justice, truth and
the Ethiopian way?
How does one express appreciation to those who left their families, friends, neighbors and
country to expose the truth about unspeakable crimes committed against children, and call
international attention to the massive human rights abuses committed by Zenawi’s regime?


Gunfire at Somali leader's home

       BBC News

Heavy gunfire has broken out at the residence of the Somali president in the capital, Mogadishu, witnesses say.

Unidentified attackers are said to have used mortar fire against Villa Somalia before engaging the presidential guards in a 30-minute exchange of fire.





NEW  CD of Poems
By Ali Hussien.....
Banned in Ethiopia !!!

To order:
   1043 Moncton Ave. 
     Winnipeg, MB R2K1Y9
Phone : 

(204) - 784 -9267

Please send contributions direct to:

UEDF North Americaoffice

Chevy Chase Bank
8315 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring , Md. 20910

Account #  0044378793  /Routing # 255071981

OR mail to:

Wahington , D.C. 20056-3246, USA



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