CALL ME BY MY NAME: Solutions with Debteraw, XXVI - This is not for April the Fool! Exclusively for EPRP members and associates — The History of EPRP

Obo Arada Shawl alias Wolde Tewolde — April 1, 2008

Despite many confusions and claims, EPRP’s political history was and is simple and straightforward.

Letter to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
From CUD International Council Foreign Relations

In your letter you say, "The Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (AFD) is an Ethiopian political party formed May 22, 2006 from the Ormo Liberation Front (OLF); the Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (CUDP); ... to topple the current government of Ethiopia with the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF)." We in the CUD emphatically deny this allegation because the CUD leaders were in jail when a few individuals here in the United States met with the so-called AFD for photo sessions. Those individuals had no authority to affiliate with the AFD nor did they have any clearance from the CUD leadership in Ethiopia to affiliate with the AFD. Read More....

Ethiopia romp home to their first ever sweep of all four individual golds – Edinburgh 2008

Edinburgh, Scotland - The heat of Mombasa is now but a memory, a nightmare of course, in the history of Ethiopian distance running. 

In cold, occasionally rainy and blustery conditions in Edinburgh’s Holyrood Park at this afternoon’s 36th IAAF World Cross Country Championships it was not just a climatic differences between the previous and current venues of these championships which were noticeable but competitive ones too.

IEWO radio program of March 23, 2008

CIVICUS & GCAP Press Release

Freedom for Ethiopian anti-poverty campaigners

28 March 2008 – After a long two years and five months in prison, the two Ethiopian anti-poverty campaigners Daniel Bekele and Netsanet Demissie were released from prison this afternoon.

“We are thrilled that Daniel and Netsanet have finally been released from prison. It has been a long wait for them and their families, but finally freedom and justice is theirs.


Election! Recycling Evil In The Name of Democracy

By Geresie Bonkie

We can think of democracy as a system of government with the following key elements:

  1. A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections;

  2. The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life;

  3. Protection of the human rights of all citizens;

  4. Transparency and accountability to the public;

  5. A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.


Mr. Obang Metho Addresses Law students and faculty At the College of Law, University of Saskatchewan

March 12, 2008

I would like to thank the College of Law at the University of Saskatchewan and especially the faculty and students for inviting me to speak tonight. I would also like to thank Scales of Social Justice League (SOS Justice League): for giving me the honor of being your keynote speaker at Access to Justice Week.

Ethiopia's price hikes 'normal'

By Elizabeth Blunt
BBC News, Addis Ababa

A UN report says that contrary to popular perceptions inside Ethiopia, greedy traders and speculators are not to blame for recent price rises.

The food assessment report comes just a few days after a special parliamentary session devoted to the economy, and in particular to rocketing food prices.

CALL ME BY MY NAME: Solutions with Debteraw, XXV - DEBTERA versus SENATOR

Obo Arada Shawl alias Wolde Tewolde  - March 23, 2008

Three days ago, a girl whom I met at the Starbucks surprised me by telling me that she has never heard about ABYOT let alone to know what it meant. On the other hand, she perfectly remembers very well about the Wars of Maichew and Aduwa, Korea and Congo. She further told me that she was going to Ethiopia to get married in a traditional wedding. She prefers the marriage to be consummated in Ethiopia for cultural and religious values.


JUNE 1991: Tsegaye Gebre Medhin (aka Debteraw), Yishak Debretsion, Amha Bellette, Sitotaw Hussein (all four members of the Leadership committee of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party (EPRP), and senior members like Teklai Gebre Sellasie, Hagos Bezabih, Desalegn Amsalu fell into the hands of the Tigrai People's Liberation Front (the ruling TPLF/EPRDF), were taken to Bahr Dar prison and then to Tigrai and "disappeared". Around the same time, the Sudan deported the refugee Azanaw Demile and he has also disappeared.


International Ethiopian Women's organization will open its paltalk forum on Saturdays and Sundays

International Ethiopian Women's organization will open its paltalk forum on Saturdays and Sundays for 7 hours. You are all welcome to tune in at 1pm in Ethiopia and neighboring countries including the Middle East, 9 am London time and 10 for western Europe, early risers in the USA could tune in  as they wake up starting from 6 am. For those of you who are in the Oceania region  the days will be Sunday and Monday evenings ( New Zealand=11pm, Eastern Australia=9pm, Western Australia=7pm)



I have been, to the best of my ability, scrutinizing every steps of the current politics marching and yet not found the punch line significant to arrest all perspectives in a nut shell. The profound and grass rooted ideals such as mass base movement with strong political mobilization has not yet gotten a definitive look and approach to establish a united and uniform struggle substantive to empower the poor and oppressed citizens. Subsequently, obligated concerned citizens to re examine the major gridlock which deter us. Let me cite few among a number of problems as to why we are staggering to go straight forward and fight the real fight:

The Ongoing Startling Walk of the Diaspora’s Tigrayans

By: - Getachew Reda

I believe that you are aware that I now have my own web blog dedicated to the struggle. The page is legible in Tigrigna. I came up with such strategy in order to create a common bridge where all Tigrayans can comment and post their political views and opinion.

IEWO Radio[varied audience and interesting discussion on 16 March 2008]


SOCEPP has tried to fulfill its objective and mission of reporting on the human rights situation with an emphasis on the plight of political prisoners ”forgotten” by other human rights bodies for one reason or another. In the past 13 years, SOCEPP has gained credibility as an effective force within the human rights struggle world wide.


Ethiopia: The Mother of all Fakes

March 16, 2008 03:41 PM---By Tedla Asfaw

Recent news including foreign media houses reports that the gold deposit under the Ethiopian "National" Bank is found to be fake gold or "fools gold". The value of gold is now $1,000 per ounce and the thieves indeed made good fortune at the expense of poor Ethiopia…………………..

…………….TPLF/EPRDF in the last sixteen years has given us a lot of fakes. Fake History, Fake Democracy, Fake Election, Fake Parliament and now Fake Gold. What is next? Another "Fake War" with Eritrea to take our mind from these serious problems as if they did not exist?


New Blog (By Getachew Reda)

What is in the name?

By Gemencho

An ex-leader of the EPRP, who had left the organization a while ago, was asked by one of the Diaspora magazines, how he sees himself with regards to the party that he helped build, now he is out of it. The interview was made in part to inaugurate his book on the history of the party. Since then, other accounts that contradict his understanding of that history have appeared, particularly by those who had worked with him and knew him in person. But that was not my issue at the time I was reading the interview. What caught my attention then was the way by which he confronted the question.


Whistle-blower on Ethiopia child sex abuse free

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) -- A British teacher who was convicted of defamation after a report she made exposed sexual abuse at a children's charity in Ethiopia will not serve time in jail, a court ruled Friday.

Jill Campbell and her husband, Gary, compiled evidence in 1999 that helped convict the director of an Ethiopian orphanage that the Swiss charity Terre Des Hommes-Lausanne used to run.


Sudan Steps Up Harassement of Refugees
SOCEPP, 15 March 2008

The Sudanese authorities have stepped up their harassment of Ethiopian refugees, especially in Khartoum. Recently, police have raided at night the houses of refugees and taken away a number of them. Ato Dereje Ayele, a refugee who refused to open his door, was taken out by the UNHCR officials called in by other refugees but was handed over to the Sudanese police by the UNHCR officials. It is not known where he has been taken. The same fate has fallen on Weizero Almaz Mitiku and Ato Genanaw Mengistu. The acting chairman of the Refugees’Association, Wondimagegn, is still being held in an unknown prison. There is a serious and legitimate fear that the detained refugees and others may all be deported back to Ethiopia to be victims of repression there.


CALL ME BY MY NAME: Solutions with Debteraw, XIV

March 13, 2008

Confused or Confuser

Am I confused or a confuser (no such word is found in the English Dictionary, though)? My pen name is Obo Arada Shawl, which signifies that I stand for Rural Ethiopia, inner cities of Addis Ababa and Asmara respectively but my real name is Wolde Tewolde. Am I creating some confusion for my readers? If there is, please let me know as our given Names signify something of value.

Blast on Ethiopia-Eritrea border

There has been a deadly explosion in a bus on the disputed border between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Ethiopian officials said at least seven people were killed and 10 wounded when the bus exploded in the Ethiopian-controlled town of Humera.


Fake fears over Ethiopia's gold

By Elizabeth Blunt
BBC News, Addis Ababa

Ethiopia's national bank has been told to inspect all the gold in its vaults to determine its authenticity.  It follows the discovery that some of the "gold" it had bought for millions of dollars was gold-plated steel.


Horn of Africa Hearing including Ethiopia, March 11, 2008
Video Clips: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15

Virtual demos over net censorship (BBC NEWS)

Thousands of people are taking part in "virtual protests" against countries accused of censoring the internet.

For its first Online Free Expression Day, media watchdog Reporters without Borders (RSF) has created virtual versions of nine public spaces


The World Cannot Afford Another Kenya: Why H.R.2003 is Vital for Ethiopia

Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (CUDP), March 10, 2008

Why H.R.2003 Is Essential:

The Ethiopian people, Ethiopian Americans, and their American supporters were heartened by the energetic leadership of members of Congress in the historic passage on October 2nd, 2007 H.R.2003 (The Ethiopia Democracy, Human Rights accountability Act of 2007) by the House of Representatives.


World warned on food price spiral (BBC NEWS)

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said he is deeply concerned about the sharp rise in global food prices. Mr Ban said the trend would hinder progress towards the millennium development goals (MDGs), which aim to halve extreme poverty by 2015.

The UN World Food Program (WFP) and other agencies may be forced to ration food aid, he said in a BBC interview.





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