Entire audio interview recording of Dr. Wondimu Mekonnen, a special guest at Assimba PalTalk Room “Patriots Day (Ager Wodaoch Qen)” on Saturday April 21, 2007 , discussing the current Ethiopian political situation, united front and Ethiopian Millennium.


Dr. Wondium Interview part I (1 hr 9)

Dr. Wondium Interview part II (1 hr 3)

Dr. Wondium Interview part III (1 hr 7)

Entire Audio recording of Ato Fasika Belete and Ato Aregawi Berhe of UEDF’s Interview @ Ethiopians Struggle for Democracy and Unity Paltalk room on Thursday April 19, 2007.

     Ato Fasika and Ato Aregawi Interview Part I

      Ato Fasika and Ato Aregawi Interview Part II

      Ato Fasika and Ato Aregawi Interview Part III

Ethiopia: Incommunicado detention/ fear of torture or ill-treatment/ health concern

PUBLIC AI Index: AFR 25/005/2007
16 April 2007

UA 88/07 Incommunicado detention/ fear of torture or ill-treatment/
health concern

ETHIOPIA Bashir Ahmed Makhtal (m), Canadian national
Halima Badrudine Hussein (f), Comorian national
Ayub Abdurazak (m), French resident
Tesfaldet Kidane Tesfasgi (m), Eritrean national, television cameraman
Saleh Idris Salim (m), Eritrean national, television journalist
Osman Ahmed Yassin (m), Swedish national
Sophia Abdi Nasir (f), Swedish national
Ines Chine (f), Tunisian national
Abdi Muhammed Abdillahi (m), Kenyan national



Ethiopia in Somali 'genocide' row
By Robert Walker
BBC News

A member of Somalia's transitional government has accused Ethiopian troops in the capital Mogadishu of committing genocide since arriving in December.

The accusations came from Hussein Aideed - a former Somali warlord who is the deputy prime minister of the transitional government.

Ethiopia dismissed Mr Aideed's comments as an absolute fabrication.

Hundreds of people have been killed and thousands forced to flee since Ethiopian troops arrived in Mogadishu.

The Ethiopians arrived at the request of the transitional government, to oust the Islamist militia that was then in control.

Swelling ranks

The comments of Hussein Aideed underline not only the deep divisions within Somalia's transitional government but also the strength of opposition in the Somali capital to the Ethiopian forces backing it.


Mogadishu clashes 'killed 1,000'


More than 1,000 people have been killed in recent clashes in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, according to elders from the city's main clan.

Hawiye clan spokesman Hussein Aden Korgab also said more than 4,000 had been injured in some of the heaviest fighting in 15 years.

The clashes came as the government and Ethiopian soldiers battled insurgents - both Islamists and Hawiye fighters.

Meanwhile, Eritrea has confirmed that a Somali Islamist leader is there.

The Union of Islamic Courts was driven out of Mogadishu in December by an alliance of Somalia's transitional government and Ethiopia.

Eritrea, Ethiopia's regional rival, has always denied backing the Islamists but has now admitted that Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed has held talks with President Isaias Afewerki in Asmara.

"We are not all prepared to allow invaders to trample upon our sacred rights and bring us under submission," he said, according to a statement on the website of Eritrea's information ministry.

Somalia has not had an effective national government for 16 years.

War crimes probe

BBC Somali service editor Yusuf Garaad says the figure of more than 1,000 dead does not come as a surprise as heavy artillery were used in residential areas during the fighting.



Ethiopia admits terror detentions

By Amber Henshaw
BBC News, Addis Ababa

Ethiopia's government has admitted that it detained 41 "terror suspects" who were captured in neighbouring Somalia.

The ministry of foreign affairs said the detainees were from 17 countries including America, Canada and Sweden.

It is the first time the government has admitted that it is holding the foreigners, defending the action as part of the "global war on terror".

Ethiopia denied the detainees had been held incommunicado. It says five have been released, with 24 more to follow.


Ethiopia genocide charges dropped


An Ethiopian judge has quashed controversial charges of attempted genocide and treason against 111 people arrested after election protests.

Twenty-five accused, mostly journalists and publishers, have also been acquitted of all charges.

However several opposition leaders remain in custody, accused of trying to violently overthrow the government.

Amnesty International says the charges of genocide were "absurd" and that the accused are "prisoners of conscience".


Human Rights and Humans Without Rights in Ethiopia
Alemayehu G. Mariam

(Full text of speech given at the University of Minnesota Law School,Conference “On the New Breed of African Leaders and the Future of Human Rights and Democracy in Africa”, April 6, 2007.)


Entire audio recordings of historical perspective of EPRA – as told by two veterans ( Tsehaye and Beker) @ Ethiopians Struggle for Democracy and Unity PalTalk Room on March 30, 2007

      EPRA Presentation Part -I

      EPRA Presentation Part -II

      EPRA Presentation Part -III

      EPRA Presentation Part -IV

E-mail warns EU could be tied to war crimes

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) -- Ethiopian and Somali forces may have committed war crimes in battles against insurgents and European Union countries could be considered complicit if they do nothing to stop them, according to an EU e-mail obtained by The Associated Press on Friday.

The warning, by a senior security official, came in an urgent e-mail to Eric van der Linden, the EU ambassador based in Nairobi.

"I need to advise you that there are strong grounds to believe that the Ethiopian government and the transitional federal government of Somalia and the African Union (peacekeeping) Force Commander, possibly also including the African Union Head of Mission and other African Union officials have through commission or omission violated the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court," the e-mail said.



Ethiopia - The Unseen, Brutal Power of TPLF


To govern a country and keep order to ensure peace and stability for the people of the given country or state, there must be different legal systems which are transparent and accountable for the benefit of the people. All these institutions must be legalized and made known to the people according to the constitution of the country. The duties and responsibilities of these institutions should be published and made accessible to the people through different channels including the media - whether state-owned or private - such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines as much as and as soon as possible so that the governed people can know the task of each government body.

To make clear the institutions which are important for the government to ensure the security of the people i.e. internal stability and national sovereignty, the following bodies and state agencies must be established and continually strengthened:-

• National Defence Force
• Professional Police Force
• National Security (Intelligence) Force

In this century everyone knows that any government (whether democratic or undemocratic) has these forces and their duties and responsibilities must be clearly stated in the constitution.

The main tasks of each are:-

• National Defence Force - to defend the national sovereignty from external invasion or aggression.
• Professional Police Force - to prevent crime and unlawful actions.
• National Security (Intelligence) Force - to secure internal and external national security i.e. to prevent spying or government attacks, internally or externally.

All the above forces are essential to any government and nationally or internationally, a government is allowed to have such national forces to safeguard the nation against internal and external enemies.

But equally critical for their proper functioning, all these armed and paramilitary forces must be free from any kind of political party or pressure groups. In each force the officers, from the highest ranked to the lowest, must be loyal and remain accountable to the people. They must listen to the voice of the people. When the people suffer due to poor governance, these officers must be sensitive enough to feel and suffer with the people. When the people become happy, they in turn become happy too and enjoy with the people who pay their salaries. They must ensure that they are a part of the people and at the same time they are the servants of the people.

The cadres of citizens recruited into these uniformed services must be well trained and conscious enough to understand the national and global affairs at least in their own profession.
They should not represent any particular ethnic group and must be free from any kind of animosity or harbour any deep hatred, race, colour, religion and political ambitions. This is the general feature of these forces under a free and democratic society.

When we observe the TPLF structure of these forces what will come through will be a different and deliberately conspired, unseen but brutal system which has been structured to intimidate anyone regarded to be unsympathetic to the TPLF course.


Suspects 'detained in Ethiopia' (BBC NEWS)

US agents have been interrogating al-Qaeda suspects in secret Ethiopian prisons, human rights groups allege.

The detainees were taken into custody after the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) were ousted from power in Somalia by Ethiopian-backed forces, they say.

"We fear that many of the detainees will face mistreatment... or execution in Ethiopian custody," Human Rights Watch's Peter Takirambudde said.

Ethiopia denies such prisons exist. The US says it has not acted illegally.


According to East African and international human rights group, suspected Islamist militants from 19 countries are being held in Ethiopia without access to lawyers.


SOCEPP denounces the so-called secret ”terror prisons” in Ethiopia

Solidarity Committee for Ethiopian Political Prisoners (SOCEPP)

The regime of Meles Zenawi denies,as is usual, that it is holding hundreds of people in secret prisons all over Ethiopia but this time it is exposed for the whole world to see because it is holding foreign prisoners, including one American, in the secret prisons. SOCEPP denounces the existence of these secret prisons and the jailing of people brought from Somalia and Kenya.

The truth is out because CIA and FBI officials have been interrogating the prisoners of whom some are allegedly suspected of being Al Qiada operatives. The Meles Zenawi regime also holds more than 230 Ethiopians of Oromo,Somali and Amara ethnic origins who were captured in Somalia. Many of these are reportedly refugees who had been living in Somalia for years.


March 31, 2007 History Day at Assimba PalTalk Room:

The first congress of the first political party, Ethiopian People Revolutionary Party (EPRP) was convened 35 years ago next week. What was in the minds of those who were at that congress who committed themselves to empower the Ethiopian people? Ato Iyasu Alemayehu who was at that historic congress was a special guest along Col. Asnake, Mother, Ato Fasika. Complete Audio the presentation is the following:

      Col. Asnake's presentation

      Mother's Presentation

      Q & A with Ato Iyasu Alemayehu - Part I

      Q & A with Ato Iyasu Alemayehu - Part II

      Q & A with Ato Iyasu Alemayehu - Part III

Fighting rages in Somali capital


Mortar rounds slammed into central Mogadishu as heavy fighting in the Somali capital between troops and rebels continued into a fourth day.

The Red Cross says dozens of civilians have been killed and local hospitals say they cannot cope with the hundreds of wounded being brought in.

The transitional government, backed by Ethiopian troops, has launched an offensive against Islamist militias.

A Ugandan soldier was killed, the first casualty among AU peacekeepers.


The Hummingbird and the Forest Fire:

A Diaspora Morality Tale
Alemayehu G. Mariam
Foreword: “The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts”

100,000 letters. 50 State Resolutions. 77 million people. We are on the move! For many of us, the past few weeks have been pretty exciting times in Diaspora grassroots activism. We managed to launch some notable mobilization efforts to advance human rights and democracy in Ethiopia. A White House letter writing campaign attracted the enthusiastic support of individual Ethiopians and civic and political organizations throughout the world. We were also able to engage some of the prestigious American universities to focus on human rights abuses in Ethiopia. We launched a 50-state legislative initiative to increase awareness of human rights abuses at the local level in the various states, and to add the collective voices of the American people to ours in demanding the immediate and unconditional release of the prisoners of conscience. We also aim to build wide grassroots support for H.R. 5680 or its substitute through this effort. Consistent with this objective, Assembly Joint Resolution 121 is currently pending in the California Legislature. This resolution sends a simple message to the President and the U.S. Congress: “We do not want American tax dollars to be used to kill, torture, maim, imprison and persecute innocent Ethiopians, or to bankroll a repressive regime that flouts international law.”


Entire Audio recording of Ethiopian Patriots Day at Assimba PalTalk Room panel discussion with Commander Assefa Seifu and Ambassador Imru Zelleke on Saturday March 24, 2007

     Ethiopian Patriots Day @ Assimba PalTalk Room Part I

     Ethiopian Patriots Day @ Assimba PalTalk Room Part II

     Ethiopian Patriots Day @ Assimba PalTalk Room Part III

     Ethiopian Patriots Day @ Assimba PalTalk Room Part IV



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