Finote Hibret Radio Voice of EPRP:05/28/2011

    No. 1   No. 2  No. 3  No.4  No.5

Documentary: Planet for Sale

The financial and food crises that have been rocking the world since 2008 have had a little known side effect: they sparked a mad race for control of farmlands all around the planet.

TPLF and the art of reverse engineering.

By Yilma Bekele

When you take an object apart to see how it works, or take software and disassemble it to locate the source code it is referred to as reverse engineering. Basically what you are doing is inverting the system by going back wards the developmental cycle all the way to conception. Reverse engineering begins with a final product and works backwards.

The Deluded Elite of the Liberation Fronts (Comments on the Atlanta Conference - Part I)

By Getachew Reda

Bin Laden is dead but our depressed life is still around

By Hama Tuma

The much trumpeted death of Osama Bin Laden brings many questions to the fore: where is the body? How come he got buried in the sea? Was he a seaman or a pirate? What is burying people in the sea in accordance with Islamic rituals?

Meles is desperate enough to launch a costly war

May 3/ 2011


It is sad to note that the EPRDF regime, one of the worst violators of the freedom of the press, is making a lot of noise to observe this day. The EPRDF regime of Meles Zenawi has in the past years:

World 'safer' without Bin Laden, says Obama

US President Barack Obama says the world is a safer place after the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, shot dead in Pakistan in a raid by US special forces.


በቃ! --- ለሌሎችም ተገቢ ነው

Posted on
ከአህመድ ይማም
በቃ! የሚለው መፍክር የሰዉን ቀልብ ስቧል ቢባል ትክክል ነው። በበኩሌ ከበቃ በኋላ የሚፈለገውንም ያቀፈ መፍክር ቢኖር በተሻለ ነበር ባይ ነኝ። ዋናው ጉዳይ ይህ ባለመሆኑ ወደ ተነሳሁብት ርዕስ ልመለስ። ለወያኔ መንጋ በቃ ማለት ተገቢ ነው። ጊዜም አልፏል እንዲያውም። በንታገሳቸው፣ በመላ ወይስ ዱላ፣ የዴሞክራሲ በሩ ከፈት ብሏል፣ እና በሌሎችም ትግልን አዘናጊ አባባሎች የተከፈለው ዋጋ፣ በሀገርና በህዝብ ላይ የደረሰው ጉዳት ቀላል አይደለምና።

May 01/ 2011


May Day is observed by all peace loving people as a day of solidarity to workers' struggle for economic and political rights, for peace, for democracy and social justice and for a better world free from exploitation, repression, discrimination and persecution.

UN urges Uganda to stop excessive force

The Associated Press
Posted: 05/01/2011 06:19:10 AM PDT

NAIROBI, Kenya—The U.N. human rights chief is urging Ugandan authorities to stop the excessive use of force against protesters after demonstrations that left eight dead and wounded more than 250 others in the last three weeks.

Could uprisings spread from northern Africa to south of the Sahara?

The prevalence of unfair electoral systems plus huge numbers of angry young people with mobile phones should make African autocrats increasingly uncomfortable

Ethiopia Aid Agencies Back Call for Aid for 2 Million People Facing Hunger

The So Called `Bond` and TPLF’s Hidden Motives

As one of the important treasures of our country, Blue Nile has been playing a major role in our lives and that of our ancestors.

Exporting Kilil to America

By Yilma Bekele

Being an Ethiopian has always been difficult. The bad news is, it is not going to get any easier. Two weeks ago I found out it can be taken away too. It has come to a point where names and looks plus attitude can determine who is and who is not an Ethiopian. Welcome to Kilil in America.

2010 State Dept Report on Ethiopia (State Dept)

April 19, 2011


The horrible plight of Ethiopians in Libya has now become public but equally bad is their situation in Egypt. Refugees trying to make their way into Israel (which grants asylum to Eritreans but not to Ethiopians) have been shot dead or wounded by Egyptian police.

APRIL 20/2011


It is outright extortion and daylight robbery and fleecing. The brutal Meles Zenawi regime has used the building of the so called Millennium Dam on the Nile as a cover to bleed the people of Ethiopia for more cash at the very time they had to endure a 25% inflation and price rise on food prices.

Frankfurt Germany Ethiopian community Protest against the brutal Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi and Co. - Saturday April 16, 2011 in pictures.




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Frankfurt Germany Ethiopian community
Protest against the brutal Ethiopian
dictator Meles Zenawi and Co. -
Saturday April 16, 2011

EPRP YL @ Assimsba 02/26/2011

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

Now that Mubarak has stepped down some questions remain, what's next for Egypt? And what will this mean for other popular uprisings throughout the region?

Members of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party Youth League (EPRP YL) at the pro Egypt people rally at White House held on 30 January 2011

Woyane meeting in Washington D.C. canceled due to Ethiopian community protest!

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