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Fearless Ethiopian women need our VOICE!!!

By Summra, 8th grader

The Oromo issue on Al Jazeera.

By Yilma Bekele

There was a half hour discussion on the Oromo issue in Ethiopia on Al Jazeera Television Network. It was one of those situations where you go ‘what just happened’ after an experience that leaves you confused and dumbfounded when it is over. As an Ethiopian I am familiar with the issue and as someone who was born and raised in Sidama I certainly have enough real experience to have a handle on the matter. Furthermore as an Ethiopian that has been exposed to the opinions presented by the OLF and other Oromo groups I thought this program will give me further insight to the grievances by the party’s concerned.

BBA Betty: Moral Decline or a reflection of capitalist Ethiopia?

By: Hirut Mesfin

Bethlehem Abera is the much talked about Big Brother Africa contestant of 2013.    This beautiful, smart and astute girl was representative of Ethiopia in BBA house South Africa.  I don’t know what it takes to be elected as a contestant to the Big Brother house but listening to Betty explaining herself on Admas Radio; it is a pretty tough competition to say the least.  First, an on-line application followed by four different phases of selection; each phase, producing winners and losers just to be a contestant.  Our Betty won all those phases and made it to the BBA house.  This is an achievement that merits acknowledgement.  Good on you!

The Role of Development Aid in fuelling Corruption and Undermining Governance in Ethiopia

Seid Hassan- Murray State University-USA

My own research as well as the research of other scholars show that the control of donor resources allowed the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), not only to consolidate political power that it seized in 1991, but also virtually penetrate the Ethiopian society at the grassroots level and expand its repressive and predatory tentacles.*

Army ousts Egypt's President Morsi

The head of Egypt's army has given a TV address, announcing that President Mohammed Morsi is no longer in office.

Gen Abdul Fattah al-Sisi said the constitution had been suspended and the chief justice of the constitutional court would take on Mr Morsi's powers.

Flanked by religious and opposition leaders, Gen Sisi said Mr Morsi had "failed to meet the demands of the Egyptian people".

July 2/2013


On July 2,1992, Jattene (Mebatsion ) Ali was shot twice in the head by three TPLF assassins sent to Nairobi by the late Haielom Araya. Jattene Ali, a former major and governor of Borena during the Mengistu regime, was gunned down in Tea Zone Hotel Room by two TPLF assassins who fled while two other accomplices were captured, jailed and brought to trial. Bribery has been mentioned to account for the release of the two jailed accomplices in the brutal murder of Jattene Ali.

Hailu Mergia: A beloved Ethiopian musician of a generation ago now stays quiet in D.C.

He’s carried his music around the planet, but if you want to hear him play it, you have to go to his house.

In his living room, there’s an upright piano wh ere he coaches his fingertips through jazz standards for 30 minutes each day.

An Ethiopian walking on eggshells

By Yilma Bekele

No question I have to be careful writing this column. That is why I choose the title. Some of us are quick to take offense or assume holier than thou attitude when it comes to the subject I am gingerly trying to confront. I decided to approach the issue head on and let the chips fall where they may.

It all started after reading my friend Dr. Fikre Tolosa’s article regarding the Oromo question in our homeland. I was impressed and empowered by his lucid analysis. His grasp of our ancient history is second to none and his piece on the current situation was a showcase of his vast knowledge.



There are now more than 40 million refugees in the world and refugees from Ethiopia contribute a serious number to this sad figure.

Ethiopian refugees flee from their country for basically political reasons. It ould also be proper to remind those who negatively refer to “economic refugees” that millions fled from famine and poverty and settled in what is now the USA. People who risk death to flee have fundamental reasons.

Historically Dormant Volcanoes Showing Unrest in Ethiopia [VIDEOS]

Two Ethiopian volcanoes historically believed to be dormant are showing signs of unrest, according to a volcanologist who used satellite data to analyze the otherwise unmonitored mountains.

Juliet Biggs of the University of Bristol's school of earth sciences said the satellite data shows evidence a number of volcanoes within the East African Rift are deforming - typically a harbinger of eruption.

The Humanitarian Aid-Corruption Nexus in Ethiopia

Seid Hassan- Murray State University  June 21st, 2013


The Amharic version of the Voice of America (journalist Solomon Abate serving as moderator) entertained a discussion on corruption which was broadcast on May 17 and 18, 2013. Participants included Messrs. Mulugeta Aragawi of Addis Ababa University, Abebe Gutta (attorney at law in Addis Ababa), Berhanu Assefa (Ethical Education and Communication Affairs Director of the Federal Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission-FEACC) and I.

Bono can't help Africans by stealing their voice

  • Because the U2 frontman and others like him are seen as representatives of the poor, the poor are not invited to speak was bad enough in 2005. Then, at the G8 summit in Scotland, Bono and Bob Geldof heaped praise on Tony Blair and George Bush, who were still mired in the butchery they had initiated in Iraq. At one point Geldof appeared, literally and figuratively, to be sitting in Tony Blair's lap. African activists accused them of drowning out a campaign for global justice with a campaign for charity.

Africa, let us help – just like in 1884

From the Conference of Berlin to today's G8, 'helping' Africans looks suspiciously like grabbing their resources

June 18, 2013


The regime in Addis Abeba, which has always acted against the interests of Ethiopia and her people, is now feverishly beating the drum of war against Egypt on the issue of the Nile and the so called Renaissance Dam which it wants to call the Meles Dam to honor the late tyrant detested by most Ethiopians.


Posted on 19. June 2013

By Tilaye

  1. If you don’t like news coverage, in depth analysis,and hard hitting
    commentaries about the treasonous and tribalist group known as TPLF and
    its  origin and prefer to  agree with the apologist quarters who insist not
    to call TPLF (?) WOYANE but EPRDF


June 17/2013


It is an operation that involves government officials in Ethiopia, Kenya and the Sudan and is comprised of ruthless traffickers from all three countries. The recent trafficking involves hundreds of young girls (mostly 13-15 years old) from the Hadiya and Arsi regions.

Hama Tuma

A number of people in Africa, tyrants and people alike, were thrilled by your election though the people (not the tyrants) were very disappointed by your subsequent politics in Africa. Some hardline optimists have, however, kept the faith and claimed, notwithstanding facts to the contrary, Africa never left your heart, you were close to us, listened to our heartbeats and kept watch on the continent

Egypt's Limited Military Options to Stop an Ethiopian Dam Project

Read more: Egypt's Limited Military Options to Stop an Ethiopian Dam Project | Stratfor
Follow us: @stratfor on Twitter | Stratfor on Facebook


Ethiopia's initiation of a dam project on the Blue Nile has quickly drawn the ire of Egypt, which is critically dependent on it as a source of much of the country's freshwater needs. As Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr said June 9 following Ethiopia's refusal to halt construction of the dam and ahead of his trip to Addis Ababa to discuss the project, Egypt will not give up a "single drop of water from the Nile." "No Nile, no Egypt," he said.


Voice from the grave.

By Yilma Bekele

Meles Zenawi is dead. Meles Zenawi is alive. I am afraid in our case both statements are true. We saw the tyrant being buried or placed six foot under and the extraordinary sendoff orchestrated by his politburo in living color. The whole country was on stand still for a week or so to bury the warlord who was in the freezer for a month or so. We witnessed the bullying power of the TPLF party that forced every department, every keble and every household to send a representative and show sorrow for a person hated and reviled by all living Ethiopians.


Egyptian Politicians: Sabotage Ethiopia's New Dam

By HAMZA HENDAWI Associated Press
CAIRO June 3, 2013 (AP)

Politicians meeting with Egypt's president on Monday proposed hostile acts against Ethiopia, including backing rebels and carrying out sabotage, to stop it from building a massive dam on the Nile River upstream.

Some of the politicians appeared unaware the meeting with President Mohammed Morsi was being carried live on TV. Morsi did not directly react to the suggestions, but said in concluding remarks that Egypt respects Ethiopia and its people and will not engage in any aggressive acts against the East African nation.

Ethiopian Opposition Plans More Protests for Political Reforms

By William Davison - Bloomberg News

Ethiopia’s opposition Blue Party, which yesterday held the country’s largest protests in eight years, said it’s planning more demonstrations unless the state meets demands including the release of “political” prisoners.



SOCEPP strongly objects to Amnesty’s Canada’s refusal to stop abetting the so called SOCEPP Canada name usurping two men group in Toronto. There is no such group in Toronto that is recognized by SOCEPP (established in 1995 and active since).

A Response to Dr. Fikre Tolossa/Tolassa
By Dr. Beyan H. Asoba
May 30, 2013

June 4/2013


JOURNALIST Muluken Tesfahun of the Ethio-Mahder private newspaper has been jailed in and near Assosa,Beni Shangul region, as he interviewed forcedly evicted farmers from the area close to the controversial and so called Renaissance Dam that the regime boasts it will build. The company in charge of the construction of the 4.7 Billion US dollars dam, the Salini Construction, was also at the center of a vast resettlement controversy back in the 1980s at Tana Beles (Gojjam region).

Ethiopian protesters take to streets

Thousands of protesters have demonstrated in the Ethiopian capital to demand the release of jailed journalists and activists.

It is the first major demonstration on the streets of Addis Ababa since 2005 when hundreds of protesters were killed in violence.

Demonstrators shouted slogans calling for freedom and justice

Ethiopia's governing party, the EPRDF, maintains strict control over public life in the East African country.

MAY 29/2013


SOCEPP Representative CKUW FM Winnipeg Radio interview regarding RUNFOR RIGHTS 2013

African Union accuses ICC of 'hunting' Africans

The African Union (AU) has accused the International Criminal Court (ICC) of "hunting" Africans because of their race.

It was opposed to the ICC trying Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta on charges of crimes against humanity, said Ethiopia's Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn.

The AU would raise its concerns with the UN, he added.

Mr Kenyatta, who was elected in March, is due to be tried in July.

He denies the charges, which arise from accusations that he fuelled violence after disputed elections in 2007.

Bahr Dar and the wonderful art of silence.

Posted on 23. May 2013 by Assimba

By Yilma Bekele

Last Sunday May 12 a Federal police officer opened fire and murdered twelve or eighteen people depending on who is doing the counting in the City of Bahr Dar by the shores of Lake Tana. It was a random killing and the only reason he stooped shooting was because he run out of bullets. What makes this crime unique is that it was committed by some one that is trained to protect and serve. At least in most places that is what we think of the armed officers that move around with loaded guns amongst us. I said in most places, our Ethiopia is not such a place.

The TPLF developmental state theory never much in reality

By Habtamu Ayenew (OSLO) – May 20, 2013

TPLF (Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front) who is afraid of neoliberal idea, because it has no clue as capitalism is a means of development, job creation, increase competitiveness, encourage entrepreneurship, they chose development state theory for Ethiopia economic development, and use it for their own enrichment.


Keep your eyes on the prize.

By Yilma Bekele

We are witnessing a flurry of news from the TPLF party that calls itself the Ethiopian government. Why is the Woyane party so busy and why is the party pushing its cadres to be super active is a good question. That is what piqued my interest and I was forced to look around to figure out what exactly is happening both in Ethiopia and the Diaspora community to make the illegal regime work overtime.



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Kibrework Workalemahu
Red Terror victim...Read more>>> 

እንኳን ለ30ኛው ዓመት ዝግጅት አደረሳችሁ

Ethiopians protest rally in Ottawa - Parliament Hill - June 5, 2013 part 3

አንነሳም ወይ!
(አዲስ ግጥም ያድምጡ)

Courageousness VS.Greediness(From summra Akale,7th grader)

Dr. Girma Abebe about the Fascist war crimes in Ethiopia ,the recent inauguration of a monument for the "Butcher of Ethiopia"(A.K)

EPRP: Answers to Your Questions on ESAT ጥያቄ አለኝ Part 2

EPRP: Answers to Your Questions on ESAT ጥያቄ አለኝ Part 1

State of Emergency

Watch this captivating video, showing life in Ethiopia as it is many times, a state of emergency.

Must-watch: How young Ethiopian girls ended up in an Israeli jail, and a civic group known as "Save Ethiopia" successfully fought for the freedom of the girls.

Ephrem Madebo of Ginbot 7 Ethiopian opposition movement at Eritrean Festival in Oakland


EPRP-YL: Interview with EPRP youth: ለጥያቄዎቻችሁ ሁሉ መልስ

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