A call for AgerMadan BeTegebar: Boycott all products and services and cut off woyanes’ financial blood- line


UN's new appeal for Ethiopia (BBC)

The UN has renewed its appeal for donations to help the victims of drought and conflict in Ethiopia.


September 4, 2008  - The savage repression unleashed by the Meles Zenawi regime in the Ogaden region has become so bloody that the accusation of ethnic cleansing is becoming more credible by every passing day. All over Ethiopia, this repressive regime has made the passing Ethiopian year one of the worst in terms of the respect of human rights.


US policy risks terrorism blowback in Somalia


United States counter-terrorism policies and support for the Ethiopian-backed transitional federal government in Somalia have helped create an increasingly desperate humanitarian and security situation in the East African nation.

This is the finding of a new report by a major US human rights group on the situation in Somalia, whose population has become increasingly anti-US and radicalised.


Dozens of political prisoners that have been disappeared such as Tsegaye Gebre Medhin, Sitotaw Hussein, Berhanu Ijigu, Getnet Asnake, Yishak Debre Tsion, Belete Amha, Azanaw Demilew, Desalegn, Wondu Sirak, Abebe Ainekulu, Berhanu Ijigu, Teklai and Hagos, Demissie and Tesfaye, Lemma and Aberash Berta continue.

Millions threatened by drought in Ethiopia

BORICHA, ETHIOPIA Sep 01 2008 14:15
Shurame Ibira is six years old, and even after nine days of emergency treatment against malnutrition, still weighs less than 9kg.

Her father, Ibira Tunsissa, nestled the girl on his lap, wrapped in a cotton blanket, in a clinic in the Ethiopian town of Boricha. The girl is one of millions of victims of a major drought that threatens the lives of millions in the African nation.


Is the US Policy towards Africa becoming Militarized?

by Scott A Morgan

       Over the last year that has been growing concern in both Africa and amongst the activist community here in the United States about the role of AFRICOM (Africa Command).  Since January of this year there has been a plethora of activites that the country has been involved in.

CALL ME BY MY ADDRESS: A commentary on Marathon and Sprint

By Obo Arada Shawl alias Wolde Tewolde - August 27, 2008

In America, if you have a name, an address and a phone, they say you are in business; in Ethiopia, if you have a title, a family and a community, we say that you are an entity.”


In America, there are over 60, 000 baby names while in Ethiopia there are less than five thousand baby names averaging one name for 5,000 and 12,000 respectively. What about addresses and phones, I will leave these to my readers to figure it out. As for me, I have my name though I am still searching for my address. My address is where Debteraw and many others have disappeared.

The Mediocre Editor of the Reporter & His Blissfully- Ignorant Interviewer

                  By Getachew Reda 

Finding Hama

By Ayelet Dekel
| Tags: Israel, Ethiopian immigrants // color photos from the rehearsal

If a tree falls in a forest and its wood is used to produce the paper for a book that eventually goes out of print, does anyone notice? "The Case of the Socialist Witchdoctor and Other Stories," a collection of short stories describing the years known as Red Terror in Ethiopia, did catch the attention of Doron Tavory, the artistic director of Hazira Performance.Art, who is currently producing two of the stories in the form of short plays at Yaffa Schuster's Netela Theater. The book's author, Hama Tuma, an Ethiopian political activist living in exile, proved almost as difficult to track down as his first book of fiction.

Bekele storms to Olympic doubl

Ethiopia's Kenenisa Bekele crushed the opposition as he cruised to 5,000m gold on Saturday, adding to the 10,000m title he won eight days ago.

Bekele led all the way and sprinted to a new Olympic record time of 12 min 57.82 sec to beat Kenyans Eliud Kipchoge and Edwin Cheruiyot Soi.

Dibaba storms to Olympic double

Ethiopia's Tirunesh Dibaba made it an Olympic double after winning the 5,000m on Friday in the Bird's Nest.

Draft law threatens to criminalise Ethiopian civil society

21 August 2008Under a draft law, Ethiopia could see severe restrictions on civil society and even closures of organisations working on contentious issues, such as human rights and governance, cautions CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation in a recent analysis

We appeal to the government to stop the introduction of the bill in its current form. If enacted, many organisations will be forced to choose between stopping their work on vital issues or facing closure and possible imprisonment,” said Ingrid Srinath, CIVICUS Secretary General.

What is Enemy for Ethiopians and Patriots is not Necessarily Enemy for Minors.

 By Yelfiwos Wondaya

    The TPLF/EPRDF is an enemy of Ethiopia as ever, EPRDF is a coalition in disguise and TPLF is the power at the center binding the sworn enemies of Ethiopian nation-state under the umbrella of so-called EPRDF.   The purpose of bringing them under EPRDF is nothing but to dismantle the nation-state of Ethiopia into teeny, tiny regions in which narrow-nationalists and regionalists speak, act, and vote on behalf of their own respective regions.

Here is the Article per your inquiry

ByGetachew Reda

The Above Pictures are all Abraham Yayeh’s taken from the EPLF Hiwyet magazine from Asmara while he was interviewed by the magazine editors live in Asmara [October 2000 edition#14]Dear Readers: this article response to Abraham Yayeh was written in 2005 and posted on Ethiox.com. As you know, his articles were rejected by opposition media for years. His last article that triggered this article was posted on Aigaforum.com in 2005. To our surprise, now days, again recently, he is allowed to post his racist and divisive anti Amhara propaganda on the paper calling itself “Ethiopia Zare” after the editor noticed Abraham Yayeh praising the Ginbot 7 group and the young lady Birtukan Mediksa (here we again, getting Abraham Yayeh as their new propagandist!).


[This article appeared in Hama Tuma's book, Democratic Cannibalism (pp 30--34) in 2007]

Our leaders are sick; the money they have stolen from us is dirty. So, what else is new?  Where is the news?

Dibaba wins women's 10,000m title


Ethiopia's Tirunesh Dibaba won the women's 10,000m in a new Olympic record by beating Turkey's Elvan Abeylegesse in a thrilling battle in Beijing.

During a fast race which was stretched from the start, the pair were neck and neck going into the final six laps.

This Saturday @ Assimba Forum

Dr. Mankelklot Haile Selassie (PhD) will be our special guest to discuss the current Ethiopian Political situation. The following links will take you to his recent two articles amongst many of his political commentaries.

A call for AgerMadan BeTegebar: Boycott all products and services and cut off woyanes’ financial blood- line

IEWO Radio: Nehasie 4 - Discussion on the role of Religious Institutions part II


By: Wotir Kassa

Our beloved country Ethiopia is seething with unprecedented cyber assaults and defamations that are assiduously waged by so-called “Ethiopian Review” website, its coteries and mercenary sandbaggers.

Live up to the Spirit & Theme of the Occasion!!!
(One Dream implies Human Rights)

The world's most prestigious sporting event, once again, has began; in Beijing this time. The sporting activities at the 29th Olympiad will obviously continue to over shadow all other world events in the coming two weeks. The Chinese have long dreamt about hosting the Olympics as a show off to the world that they have all the power to emerge dominant in every sphere of influence. They continue to shrug off all charges against their heavy handed handling of dissidents and over all human rights records.

Invitation to Organizations Concerned About Ethiopia to Participate in a Symposium On: “Where Do We Go From Here?”

Saturday, August 30, 2008     4:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Unification Church,
1610 Columbia Rd,
NW, Washington D.C.

Fans say the reggae star was framed because his music was seen as anti-government. 'You don't know where the line is -- until you've crossed it,' says one Ethiopian.
By Edmund Sanders, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
August 11, 2008
ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA -- Sequestered in a dank prison cell here, Ethiopia's biggest reggae star awaits trial in a deadly hit-and-run case that has galvanized the nation.

Forum for Ethiopian Sovereignty, Unity and Territorial Integrity

It will be recalled that a while ago we Ethiopians living in Germany and anxious of our country's fate, had set up a committee entitiled "Ethiopian Border Committee".

IEWO Radio:Hamle 27 - Ager madan betegbar

 Current News on Ethiopiawinet paltalk radio

Defending our position in politics against bad motives of some elements is our duty

By Yelfiwos Wondaya

This writer met a person and a scholar by training and claims to be a former EPRP’S Leadership member as well.  He met him over a dinner table held by a group. 

August 8 2008


The anti-national regime of Meles Zenawi is selling
Ethiopian land to the highest bidder in a move that is compromising and jeopardizing Ethiopian national interest. The recent move involves the handing over of "hundreds of thousands of hectares' of fertile land to Saudi Arabia for it to grow cereals to assure the food security of its own nationals. This has been confirmed now by none other than Meles Zenawi himself in an interview with the Saudi paper Arab News.



Meles Zenawi is Enemy Number One

Mankelklot Haile Selassie (PhD)

August 6, 2008: No matter how and with what intensity, people beat, and beat, and beat, around the bush to exonerate Meles Zenawi, he remains to be the number one enemy of Ethiopia and its people. Can a leopard change its color?

Read More >>>

Under Investigation

On August 6, 2008 at 2711 26th Street NE Washington DC at UCC garage serious property damage to Taxi cabs took place. Any one who have information need to cooperate with Metropolitan police 202-671-6522

Washington Update, August 6, 2008

Mesfin Mekonen, Kinijit International Foreign Relations

Assistant Secretary of State David Kramer emphasized human rights,   freedom of the press and democracy in a recent two-day visit to  Ethiopia. He expressed concern about the new press law, and about the overall erosion of civic society, media freedom and democratic  institutions. Kramer said that the next U.S. administration,  whether it is headed by McCain or Obama, will press Ethiopia on  these topics.

More US Concerns Regarding Democracy in Ethiopia

By Scott A Morgan

For what its worth Ethiopia is a hingepin for a successful US Policy in the Horn of Africa. It has been active in Somalia on behalf of US Interests for a couple of years now. It has a long running feud with Eritrea that could erupt into warfare as well. So Whatever action Ethiopia takes probably has the blessing of this Administration. But what of the next one?

Read More>>

Israel receives 'last Ethiopians'

Israel says it has carried out its last major airlift of Ethiopian Jews, ending a 30-year immigration scheme that has seen some 100,000 move there.

Ceding Ethiopian Land to the Sudan is a Gross Violation of our Country’s Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity

Press release from KIAB   August 2, 2008

A distinctive feature of Ethiopia has been and will continue to be the determination of its people to defend and preserve its identity, sovereignty and territorial integrity routinely affirmed at huge costs in life and property. Contrary to what the Ethiopian people have been forced to ‘believe and accept’ over the last 17 years, Ethiopia is not a figment of any one’s imagination. It is a historical, geopolitical, social and economic reality that does not require proof except for those who wish to see it fragmented, divided, weak, socially, politically and economically underdeveloped and dependent.

That is why Words are there for


By Getachew Reda

Lately, there are elements from the opposition group popping- up with a new idea of advice telling people to <<stop humiliating Weyane/TPLF>>. Kidding you not!

In the city where I live, near the corner of the huge city building, there is a poster from the anti virus soft ware maker “MacAfee” reading << none stop humiliation for hackers! MacAfee>

Vigil draws attention to plight of political prisoners

Join the Solidarity Committee for Ethiopian Political Prisoners at an evening vigil to raise awareness about political prisoners in Ethiopia and other war-ravaged countries around the world.

Date:               Saturday, August 9, 2008
Time:               6:30 p.m.
Place:              Broadway Disciples United Church,
                          396 Broadway at Edmonton St., Winnipeg

Statement of OLF Executive Committee On Unconstitutional Activities and Conspiracies Against the OLF

The Executive Committee (EC) of the OLF conducted an emergency meeting to deliberate on the current internal anarchic and anti organizational activities and passed the following decision. It has been observed that a clique has clandestinely been conducting destructive activities within the organization for a while.

Interview with Engineer Getachew Alemayehu of London on Ethnic Federalism by Ethiopiawinet Betegbar Paltalk Radio 

UN to vote on Eritrea, Ethiopia impasse

Jul 30 2008 09:46

Belgium on Tuesday presented a draft Security Council resolution that would end the UN mission monitoring the border dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia.

The text, which would terminate the mission's mandate when it expires on Thursday, would go for a vote before the 15-member council on Wednesday, said a Western diplomat speaking on condition of anonymity.


July 30, 2008

Ethiopian food crisis: a family's struggle

East Africa is in the grip of a drought-induced food disaster, with 15 million people facing severe food shortages. Mark Lang, from the Christian relief agency Tearfund, has just returned from Ethiopia

African famine threat to 14.5 million people

Millions of Africans are once again facing famine, leading to yet another appeal for food aid only two years after the last emergency.

More than 14.5 million people living in five countries across east Africa need immediate help, according to the United Nations.

People affected by drought in Ethiopia wait to receive food aid. Failed crops and soaring food and fuel prices are affecting millions in east Africa Photo: REUTERS   Read More>>>






Brampton, Canada... Eritrean Man Accused Of Knowingly Spreading HIV To Woman

A 24-year-old Brampton man is charged in a terrible case of aggravated sexual assault. But it's what police say Yonatan Gezahegne Mekonnen ( Eritrean decent) didn't tell his alleged 21-year-old victim that has cops worried

Stranger to differences:

by Haregwein Sileshi, Minneapolis MN Dec-2007.

Hey, what can I say? I am one of those types of people who love their forefathers’ traditions (shhhhh---some of them) and explore every opportunity to advance it in whatever direction I could use them to promote my nationality. Specifically, if someone is trying to undermine my tradition, I am all for tolerances alright, trust me. But my friends in America should know better to try and make a genuine effort to understand or know my traditions, as I do to know theirs.


Go To Past Archived Page >

EPRP Chicago Meeting

Betrayal of Democracy: Ethiopia

Prof. Ephraim Isaac's view on Ethio-Sudan Border.. Ambushed at ESFNA Washington DC (ABOVE)

Ethiopian boy Tareknge and his mother

More than 126,000 Ethiopian children could be affected by malnutrition

Help Finote Democracy Radio

Voice of Ethiopian Unity



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