Finote Hibret: Voice of EPRP 01 /22/2011



By Kidane Alemayehu

This appeal is respectfully submitted to:
The Ethiopian People;
The United Nations Security Council;
The Department of State, U.S.A.
The European Union;
The African Union including the people and Government of Zimbabwe;
The UN Human Rights Commission;
The Human Rights Watch;
All people, especially international lawyers, interested in human rights.

South Sudan's referendum vote reaches 60%, says SPLM

South Sudan has reached the 60% turnout needed to pass the referendum on secession from the north, the south's ruling party and ex-rebel group says.

SANA'A,Jan.08(Saba)- Search teams of Yemeni Coastguard in Aden have found the bodies of 17 Africans, of 37 migrants whose boat sank on January 1 off Bab al-Mandab area,Taiz province, the reported on Saturday.

January 9/2011


The recent drowning of more than 89 Ethiopian asylum seekers near the Yemeni coast has cast a dark and urgent light on the plight of Ethiopian refugees

Great power rivalries over oil animate Sudan secession referendum

By Jean Shaoul
8 January 2011

An overwhelming vote for secession is expected in the referendum to be held in the south of the country beginning on Sunday. A “yes” vote will split Sudan and create a new state, South Sudan, on July 9, 2011.

President Omar al-Bashir, who has long opposed secession, now says he will accept the outcome and has even offered the south’s leader, Salva Kiir, “anything you need.


Africa migrants drown off Yemen as boats sink

Up to 80 African migrants are feared to have drowned off the south coast of Yemen after their boats capsized, Yemeni officials say.

ESKINDER NEGA: The Time to be Silent

By Ahmed Yimam:  Ato Eskinder Nega, a self declared journalist in Ethiopia, has been prolific of late, writing in English, commenting in English on diverse subjects ranging from Weizero Genet’s book on Mengistu H. Mariam to the proposed EPRDF pardon of the Red Terror criminals in Kaliti and beyond. With all due respect to Ato Eskinder and his write to scribble on anything under the sun I would like to advise him that there is a time to talk and a time to be silent and his time of silence has come.  Read More…

Response to the Racist’s Bell

By Getachew Reda (Editor Ethiopian Semay) 1/1/11

My apology still for not using the Amharic font on this article. As I told you earlier, I am experiencing a serious of problem with my PC when using the Geez (Ethiopian fonts).

Letter to all Website masters:

From Getachew Reda (editor Ethiopian Semay)

It is unfortunate and sad too see many racist Tigray haters are growing every day coming out in different forms to express their animosity and hate to towards us the Tigrayans.

Jawar Mohammed & His Tricky Smile

By Getachew Reda

Jawar Mohammed is an Oromo young Stanford educated fellow, who is mistakenly taken by many fools and the myth feeding opposition media in the Diaspora as “young nationalist Ethiopian” while he is simply using his being Ethiopian to fool the rest of the fools as an Ethiopian while the fact the matter he is using the Ethiopian stages and the Ethiopian media outlet to further advance his “heroes’ ” (leaders of OLF) narrow Oromo nationalism mission.

And Now Ivory Coast: What Else is New?

Hama Tuma

All the outcry on what is happening in Ivory Coast brings to my mind the 2005 election in Ethiopia and how the incumbent regime lost the general election but imposed martial law, shot dead more than 200 peaceful demonstrators, jailed close to 50,000 and imprisoned more than 120 opposition leaders.

Ethiopian Donors May Further Probe Allegations That Government Misused Aid

Major donors to Ethiopia may renew a probe into claims the government has used aid to silence the opposition after Human Rights Watch called on them to investigate its allegations further.

The unaccountable Husbands of the Horn
Getachew Reda

Have you heard the Horn of East Africa Conference and its outcome? Such conference was coordinated by Eritrean rich man by the name Paulos Tesfagiorgis (Wedi Biatay). This conference was held in Atlanta in the name of the people of the HORN to bring PEACE (or invent peace from their peace making company.) Who are the participants of such conference?

The Ethiopian Diaspora’s Clashing Viewpoints on the Mounting Economic and Political Agonies of Ethiopia

By Maru Gubena

Many of us – particularly the political activists of the Ethiopian Diaspora – are firmly convinced that the basis for Ethiopia’s everlasting, multiple and mounting economic problems and the political repression by successive regimes lies exclusively with bad leadership and bad policy/governance.


The International Ethiopian Women’s Organization Forum will be interviewing on paltalk the filmmaker Paulina Tervo who produced a film about the Awra Amba experience in Ethiopia.


On Saturday, December 11, EPRP stickers proclaiming Long Live the EPRP and calling for the intensification of the struggle against the Meles regime have been posted in Addis Abeba.

Land grab fears for Ethiopian rural communities

A controversial new farms policy has led to a political clampdown in a remote lowland region of Ethiopia, the BBC has been told.

Opposition activists claim that a number of arrests and the killings of 10 local farmers are as a direct result of the new policy.


Gashaw Ke Sidet Alem

Fasil Nahom is Opportunist Par Excellence

Ethiopia has never had a better government, human rights have had  ever been better respected than now through the federal system, which enabled nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia enjoy the flourishing democracy,” said Dr. Fasil Nahom, special advisor to the Prime Minister” .

To Be Connected… The Eway Eathiopian Solution - Mirkogna versus Miskrnet

By Obo Arada Shawl   December 13. 2010


On October 23, 2010, I have witnessed an occasion of the first step foreword for transforming political power to the Youth known as W’e’KND. The need for the continuity of purpose, struggle and for leadership was highlighted during the gathering.

DECEMBER 13.2010


On December 13/ 2003 soldiers and security personnel of the ruling EPRDF killed more than 400 Anuaks (some say the number is much more than that) in a murderous campaign that lasted for days.

December 13/2010


There is a news report that the heads of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Catholic and Evangelical churches and the Ethiopian Moslems Council have together met with former regime’s top officials who are convicted prisoners in Kaliti.

Title: Negotiating A Lion’s Share of Freedom: Adventure of an Idealist Caught up in Ethiopian Civil War, A Memoir ISBN 978‐0‐557‐73352‐1
Author: Makonnen Araya Available at:

Top Oromo rebel group leader seized by police

An Ethiopian rebel commander on police wanted list has been arrested by detectives in Sololo, Moyale District, and is helping security agents with investigations about the rebel group.

The International Ethiopian Women's Organization will be interviewing Etalem Eshete, an Ethiopian woman author, on her 1st novel MENDA this Sunday at 18 hours in Europe and mid-day in New York. Comme and attend in our paltalk chat room IEWOForum.  Read More>>

Sudan's former rebel SPLM backs independence for south

The governing party in southern Sudan - the SPLM - has for the first time publicly backed independence for the south, ahead of next month's referendum on the issue

The Agony of the public and the CLOSED Exit

By Getachew Reda Editor Ethiopian Semay
This commentary is longer than the ususal commentary, but bear with me. This letter was posted to my readers instead of sending as a response to the individual who was furious on my last commentary “Lidetu and the Therapy seeking opposition” in the hope to reach more similar elements who are laid by distorted politicians.

WikiLeaks and orphan Ethiopia.

 By Yilma Bekele.

Hopefully you have all heard or read about WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organization that publishes documents from anonymous news sources and leaks. It has been doing that since 2006.


The human rights situation in Ethiopia has deteriorated further in 2010 with the ruling group (EPRDF) refusing to respect the basic human and democratic rights of the people (population 82 million).

EU must end “business as usual” with Ethiopia

BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, December 9, 2010/African Press Organization (APO)/ — In a hearing convened on 7 December 2010 in the European Parliament, deputies, media and civil society heard that the European Union must uphold its values and support them with “concrete action” while the EU High Representative’s “softly worded” statements must be replaced by an assessment of the effectiveness of EU aid distribution and its impact on human rights and democratization, possibly leading to the consideration of identifying targeted sanctions.


ጥቅምት 2003
Aabraham beyenne

By mid 2007, the 50,000 Ethiopian troops that invaded Somalia in late 2006 found themselves increasingly bogged down, facing much fiercer resistance than they had bargained for as Somalis of all stripes temporarily put aside their differences to stand together against the outside invader.December 7/2010


The following is an in depth report by the top Ethiopian English newspaper Addis Fortune about the ongoing crisis in the capital Addis Ababa, a crisis that is also allegedly growing in many regional cities around the country in the name of development.

December 6/2010

Egypt has once again shown its gross violation of the rights of Ethiopian refugees and nationals. It had in the past shot scores of refugees dead as they tried to cross into Israel.

Revisiting the Events, Sights and Sounds of the Aftermath of 2005 Ethiopia Election

By Maru Gubena

Five year ago, though there were feelings of uncertainty and fearfulness about the future direction of Ethiopia itself, as well as its politics – including the possible transfer of power from the regime of Meles Zenawi to the then opposition parties –



The registration of Southern Sudanese voters has begun in earnest both inside and outside Sudan in preparation for the January 9 referendum on the secession or independence of South Sudan in accord with the 2005 Comprehensive Peace agreement (CPA) signed in Kenya between the government of the Sudan led by General Omar Beshir and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) led by the late Dr. John Garang.

YEMEN: Smugglers make life tough for African migrants

HARADH, 2 December 2010 (IRIN) - The vast inequalities of wealth on either side of the invisible boundary between the Arab world’s richest and poorest countries - Yemen and Saudi Arabia - have come to define the small town of Haradh in northwestern Yemen, where aid agencies are scrambling to help an increasing number of stranded and ill-treated African migrants.

Word Aids Day: the Effect Worsens, the Embezzlement Increases in Ethiopia

Family of Slain Ethiopian Demand Answers

by Valencia Mohammed

Family and friends of Ali Mohammed, 27, say they want justice from city officials regarding his slaying and the reason no one has been prosecuted for his death.

The UN Committee Against Torture alarmed by severe human rights violations in Ethiopia

The human rights situation in Ethiopia is in decline. Despite the State party’s assurances that a wide range of criminal code provisions and other laws ensure that the country’s international and domestic obligations under the Convention Against Torture are met, in practice these legal provisions have no effect.

Landmark enforced disappearances convention to enter into force

25 November 2010

Amnesty International today called on all states to commit themselves to end enforced disappearances, following news that a landmark treaty aimed at preventing the practice will come into effect

Ethiopia Relocates 150,000 People in Eastern Somali Region in Five Months

Lidetu & The therapy Seeking Opposition

Getachew Reda (Editor- Ethiopian Semay )

First of all, let me apologize for using the English language by not using the Ethiopian languages. This is because; I am experiencing the Geez Font problem temporarily. Having said that, in this article along with Lidetu and his opponents in London, I will touch some other several different subjects/issues unrelated to the title given

Meles Zenawi-the Sarah Palin of Ethiopia.

By Yilma Bekele

The fearless leader from Wasilla said “This speaks to a bigger picture here that certainly scares me in terms of our national security policy. But obviously we’ve gotta stand with our North Korean allies.”


(Henoke Yeshetlla)

Ethiopia's ONLF rebels say killed 35 government troops

By Aaron MaashoADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Rebels in Ethiopia's Ogaden region said on Friday they had killed 35 government troops in three days of fighting, a charge dismissed by the government


Ethiopia: Anuak Must Refuse to Move to Concentrated Camps

November 24/2010 PRESS RELEASE

SOCEPP support committee (UK) fully supports the protest demonstration planned for November 27 in front of the embassy of the ruling regime in Ethiopia. All Ethiopians and other peace loving forces in London should join this demonstration called by democratic and unity forces to protest the presence of human rights violators Minister Berket Semon and ambassador Hilawe Yosef who are in London to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the so called Amhara National Democratic Movement (a satellite group in the service of the ruling regime).

Who is the Terrorist and Extremist?

By Getachew Reda

Siisay Agena’s letter to the PEN Center USA

Members and supporters of PEN CENTER USA:I am greatly honored and humbled to be selected as the recipient of the 2010 PEN CENTER USA’s “Freedom to Write Award.”I regret that I am unable to be with you in person and receive this great recognition, but I assure you that as these words are being read on my behalf, I am with you in spirit.

I accept this special award not just for myself, but on behalf of all independent Ethiopian journalists and writers who have been denied the right to write.

Agonizing Wound

Author: Yilma Tafere Tasew, Book Review by L. E. Scott

There are poets in this world who write from dreams – they can be magical, creative, cute and sometimes clever.  There are other poets who write because they have seen, felt, lived, smelled, eaten and swallowed the ugliness and fire that humankind can inflict upon its own.  Yilma is a poet born of this fire.  This man, this poet, has been baptized in the wretchedness of man’s brutality against his brother.  This is the source of Yilma’s creativity

የዳመናው አገር
 ጌታቸው ረዳ (ገጥም)

Dear Tecola, “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder”!

Yinegal   BelachewI wanted to give one among various titles to this piece of writing: Just few of them; ‘Yayt Misikir Dinbit’, ‘Zer Kelguam Yisbal’, ‘Tinish Siga Endemerfe Tiwoga’, ‘Pride and Prejudice’, ‘A Review of a Book Review’,

November 18, 2010


One of the neighboring countries where the UNHCR is criticized for NOT adequately protecting Ethiopian refugees is Yemen. Recently the International Organization for Migration reported that “about 1000 Ethiopian refugees are stranded near the Saudi border in Yemen without food, water or shelter”.

Meles discussing ‘trash’ and ‘garbage’

By Yilma Bekele.

Close to Death

Belijg Ali


There are compelling reasons for this story to be translated so it can be exposed for a wider circle of readers. I admire Beljig’s and his likes for their courage to go visit the darkest places of their emotions, which the memory can make the days a blur and the nights longer.

Internal Colonization

(by Sahlu Bekele – Toronto)

The Spanish, the Portuguese, the British, the French, the Italians and the Dutch were the major colonizers of their respective colonies in Africa. All colonies except Ethiopia had suffered humiliation and conquest in the hands of these European forces.

Tecola Hagos’s Lunatic knowledge & deception

By Getachew Reda (Editor ) Scholars say, Lunatic knowledge is based on a certain "faith" and is inherently "political” and Tecola Hagos;s knowledge is confusing many of us and it is full of deception.

Why Are We Supporting Repression in Ethiopia?

William Easterly and Laura Freschi

Foreign aid observers have often worried that Western aid to Africa is propping up autocratic regimes. Yet seldom has such a direct link from aid to political repression been demonstrated as in “Development without Freedom,” an extensively documented new report on Ethiopia by Human Rights Watch. Based

Ethiopia inflation rises to 10.6 pct in October: agency

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Ethiopia's annual inflation rate rose to 10.6 percent in October from 7.5 percent in September on rising prices of food and imported goods, the statistics office said on Monday.

TO BE CONTINUED…The Eway Eathiopian Solution

By Obo Arada Shawl - November 13, 2010


To live for one-self, as opposed to live for posterity or for predecessors, is now the prevailing passion. To live for the moment has become the fashion. Our historical Eathiopian continuity for community of unifiers, identifiers and democratizers seems to be lost fast and easy.

Government to approve airlift of 8,000 Ethiopian Falashmura

Operation will end campaign to bring in Ethiopia's remaining Falashmura, whose opponents claim they should not be recognized as Jews.
By Nir Hasson

‘Operatic Opposition’ to Disastrous Ethiopia Dam

Justice campaigners today took a musical approach to criticising the Ethiopian, Italian and Irish governments, and potential international lenders to an environmentally disastrous dam project in Ethiopia.

Burma releases pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi

The Burmese military authorities have released the pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, from house arrest.

Appearing outside her home in Rangoon, Ms Suu Kyi told thousands of jubilant supporters they had to "work in unison" to achieve their goals.


ESFNA – the face of ugly Ethiopia - by Yilma Bekele

“ልክ ነው ብዙ የተ ጣ ሱ አሰራ ሮ ች አሉ ለዚሀ ም ነው በመ ጀ መ ሪ ያ ም ይቅርታ ለመ ጠ የቅ የፈለኩ ት ፤ የሥራ አስኪ ያጅ ኮሚ ቴ ው ሥራ ው ን ብ ቁ በሆ ነ መ ንገድ እንዳልስራ እኔ ማ መ ን ፈልጋለሁ ፣ ለድም ፅ አንኳን መ ቅ ረብ አል ነበረበትም ይሄን ነገር ድም ፁ ን ግን እንደገና የመ ነጋ ገር መ ብ ት የቦርዱ አባሎ ች መ ብት ነው ፤ በሚ ቀ ጥ ለው ቀ ን ፔ ት ሽ ን ተፈርሞ ም ናምን የሚ ል ሕ ግ የለም ፤ ስሜ ታ ዊ ነት ነበረ ተናግሬ ዋ ለሁ ኃይለ ቃ ሎ ች ነበሩ ተናግሬ ዋ ለሁ ማ ንም ስው ማ ንም ላይ ጠ መ ን ጃ የያዘ የለም እንደዚያ አይ ነት ግ ኑኝ ነት ም ስብሰባ አይደለም ስሜ ታ ዊ ስብ ሰባ ነበረ፤ አርግጥ ድም ፅ ከፍ ባለ ሁኔታ ነበር የሚነነጋገረው ግን ዋናው ስው አንዲ ገነዘብ ል ኝ እናንተም አንድ ታው ቁት የም ፈል ገው ያንን መ ጀ መ ሪያ ድም ፅ የስጡ ት ሰዎ ች ማ ንም ያስገደዳ ቻ ው የለም አይሆንም በዚ ያው በድ ም ፃች ን አንቀ ጥ ላለን ብ ለው መ ቅ ረት ሲ ች ሉ እራሳ ቸ ው አንድ ባንድ ተነስተው ማ ይ ክሮ ፎኑን ይዝ ው እኔ ድ ም ፄ ን ያመ ጣ ሁ ት ን መ ል ሻ ለሁ በሚ ል ነው የወ ስ ኑት፡”

It is true lots of illigal things were done, that is why I apologised ahead. I want to admit that the executive commitee did not carry its duties in a proper manner. The issue should not have been brought for voting at all on the otherhand it is the board’s pergoative to bring the issue back for further discussion there is no such thing (in the bi laws) as revisitng the issue at a later date using petition.

Ethiopia / EU Report Highlights Electoral Flaws

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, November 8, 2010/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The European Union’s election monitoring mission in Ethiopia issued its final report today on the May 2010 elections,

After almost a year in exile in America, an icy ocean away from his home in Ethiopia, journalist Samson Mekonnen, left, only recently received his work permit in Washington. In the interim, like most journalists undergoing the emotionally and financially grueling resettlement process, he has relied on friends, family, and international organizations like CPJ to support himself and his family while his petition for asylum navigates the bureaucratic waters.  

Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso
President of the European Commission
Brussels, Belgium Subject: Is European Commission Once Again Chucking Its Principles of Good Governance and theEthiopian People?

An Anthology of African Poetry: No Serenity Here

Go To Past Archived Page >

Woyane meeting in Washington D.C. canceled due to Ethiopian community protest!

EPRP YL Grand public Meeting on 23 October 2010 @ Best Western Kelly Inn, 161 St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul, MN 55103.

የወያኔ ደጋፊዎች በዋሺንግተን ዲሲ ሰልፍ አደረጉ
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