Finote Hibret: Voice of EPRP 12/05/2009


Netele Theatre Performs Hama Tuma Play at BGU Africa Centre

By Ayelet Dekel Saturday December 5, 2009

The Case of the Socialist Witchdoctor, a play adapted from short stories by Ethiopian activist/writer Hama Tuma, will be performed Tuesday, December 8, as part of the inauguration ceremonies of the Africa Centre at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Directed by Yafa Schuster, the play will be performed by members of the Netele Theatre.

OPINION | Ethiopia’s despot goes hunting for billions in Copenhagen

Congratulations are in order to our own relentless human rights activist and freedom fighter, Ali Saeed, on receiving the 2009 Human Rights Commitment Award of Manitoba. (From our reader H.A.)

Winnipeggers to be honoured for human-rights work

WINNIPEG -  Two Winnipeggers will be singled out at an awards ceremony next week for their promotion of human rights and freedoms.

Ali Saeed and Anna-Celestrya Carr will be recognized for their work at an awards luncheon Dec. 9 hosted by the Manitoba Human Rights Commission, the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties.

Saeed will receive the 2009 Human Rights Commitment Award of Manitoba. Saeed is a former Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience who immigrated to Manitoba in 1984 after he was released from imprisonment in Somalia.

He has sponsored more than 100 refugees through the Ethiopian Society of Winnipeg and has found employment for refugees.


November 26/2009
THE US AGOA PROGRAM IS HELPING THE RULING PARTY On Nov. 19, the US Agency for International Development- funded AGOA Plus said it brokered a contract worth as much as $30 million annually between Jackson, Mississippi-based Atlas Manufacturing Group and the Adwa (Tigrai) based Almeda Textile.

Memories of a Generation - will be presented @ The African Diaspora Film Festival (ADFF) in New York City - Teachers College, Columbia University 525 W 120th Street New York, New York 10027-6696 - Date November 28, 2009. (3:30 PM Eastern USA Time)

Wealthy nations outsource crops to Ethiopia’s farmland

Trend is driven in part by last year’s global food crisis


Is There Such a Thing as Agro-Imperialism?

Published: November 16, 2009 (New York Times)

Dr. Robert Zeigler, an eminent American botanist, flew to Saudi Arabia in March for a series of high-level discussions about the future of the kingdom’s food supply. Saudi leaders were frightened: heavily dependent on imports, they had seen the price of rice and wheat, their dietary staples, fluctuate violently on the world market over the previous three years, at one point doubling in just a few months. The Saudis, rich in oil money

Washington Update, November 25th, 2009

                    By Mesfin Mekonen

November 14, 2009


As if the ceding of Ethiopia's fertile land to the Sudan was not disastrous enough, the Meles Zenawi regime has now leased more than 3 million hectares of land (7.4 million acres) to foreign companies that are to farm this land and carry off the produce back to their countries. It is a 15 Birr (US$1.19) cheap sale per hectare and Arab, Chinese, …..

Birds of the same feather flock together: the case of Engineer Hailu Shawl

By Obo Arada Shawl - November 13, 2009

Name: Hailu Shawl

Address: unknown/undetermined

Title: Engineer

Desire: HIM = Hailu-Issaias-Meles = His Imperial Majesty

It is to be recalled that on October 13, 2007, I have written an article entitled “A choice of political leadership for Ethiopia: an Engineer, an Economist or a Political Party? It was posted on and on other websites. It was an attempt to decipher the relationship between cost and benefit that related to the professions of Engineer Hailu vis-à-vis Economist Berhanu.

Ethiopian rights activist silent, but not submissive

Lawyer Daniel Bekele says it is dangerous for him to speak freely about his imprisonment over complaints that 2005 election was rigged

SPECIAL REPORT-Is Africa selling out its farmers?

* African governments want big foreign-run farms

* Bill Gates culturing grassroots Green Revolution

* 'Land grab,' environmental, GM concerns abound

By Barry Malone and Ed Cropley

BAKO, Ethiopia/JOHANNESBURG, Nov 12 (Reuters) - For centuries, farmers like Berhanu Gudina have eked out a living in Ethiopia's central lowlands, tending tiny plots of maize, wheat or barley amid the vastness of the lush green plains.

Blood Coffee - Coming to a Café Near You

By Alem Mamo

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

—Martin Luther King, Jr.

Much has been said about the curse of natural resources in the African continent. From the suffering of the Ogony people and subsequent murder of environmentalist and human rights activist Ken Saro-Wiwa in the Niger Delta, along with eight fellow activists, to the displacement of millions of citizens across the continent so that tyrannical regimes and multinational corporations can exploit and benefit from the riches that cover the beautiful landscape of Africa.

Isaias Afeworki and the Cost of Flexing and Frightening

November 10, 2009  By Alex Birhanu

In today’s Eritrea, a country of 5 million people, the acute needs are becoming boundless by the day as this tiny nation is continuously slipping down into its deepest political isolation and economic stagnation since its de-facto “16 years of fuzzy independence”.

Will Castrating Tyrants Help?

Hama Tuma

The rest of the world has not got it yet. Many still think that Africa’s major problems concern famine, AIDS, conflicts and wars, poverty, rigged elections, nepotism and corruption, fevers of all types that are said to originate from the continent and more. How wrong. No one knows Africa like its cruel tyrants and they have time and again told the world that Africa’s problems are elsewhere

Our Saviour is NOT America! ( a brief reply to Mesfin Makonen and others like him)

Dereje Tekaligne

I recently read in the EEDN Ato Mesfin Makonen (otherwise an honourable man who keeps us informed on how the US Congress deals with our fate) informing all of us that the recent document signed by Engineer Hailu and others with the TPLF/EPRDF regime is the result of US administration pressure on Meles Zenawi.

ICC to investigate Kenya violence

The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor says he will request ICC judges to open an investigation into Kenya's post-election violence.

Luis Moreno-Ocampo made the comments after meeting Kenya's president and prime minister, who said they would co-operate with the ICC probe.

Washington Update November 5, 2009

The whole world is now aware of the political situation in Ethiopia because once again the Ethiopian people are staring at a situation of mass starvation.

Manufacturing “opposition”: Opportunism, Betrayal, and Tyranny In Ethiopian Politics

He who has lost honour can lose nothing more.”  —Publilius Syrus

The term ‘honour’ comes from the Latin honos in which a person is assessed based on the individual’s actions, mainly his or her honesty, dignity and integrity. The recent political theatre performed by four honourless characters (Hailu Shawel, Ayele Chamiso, Lidetu Ayalew, and Meles Zenawi)

ANALYSIS - Ethiopian opposition impotent as elections loom

By Barry Malone

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - When Ethiopia's opposition leaders were freed from jail in 2007, the three most prominent were hailed by fanatical supporters as leaders-in-waiting for sub-Saharan Africa's second most populous nation.

Now, Birtukan Mideksa sits in a prison cell, Berhanu Nega is exiled in the United States, convicted in absentia of plotting a coup, and Hailu Shawel only recently re-appeared in public.


By Mesfin Mekonen - 10/28/09 05:06 PM ET

As America and the international community scramble to prevent a repetition of the famine that killed a million Ethiopians 25 years ago, the Obama administration must hasten an ongoing review of U.S. policy toward Ethiopia.

ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopia's election campaign will kick off on December 8, a government official said on Thursday, despite protests by an opposition umbrella group over a newly-agreed electoral code.

"The elections will kick off on December 8. Voting day will be May 23 and the results will be finally declared on June 21," government spokesman Bereket Simon told journalists.

The elections will be the first since 2005, when deadly violence sparked by allegations of vote rigging by the ruling party killed nearly 200 people.

Three opposition groups announced on Wednesday that they had agreed with the ruling Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front on an electoral code after a two-months of discussion.

Dictatorship and the Famine Industry

By Alem Mammo

Displaying his trademark diatribe/rant, Meles Zenawi recently accused international aid agencies of inflating the number of famine stricken citizens in Ethiopia. The reason why aid agencies exaggerate the numbers, according to Mr. Zenawi, is the following:

Special Tribute for His Excellency Ato Haddis Alemayehu - Solutions with DEBTERAW

By Obo Arada Shawl   November 3, 2009

October 23/2009

The Meles Zenawi regime has been forced finally to admit the existence of famine in Ethiopia and to ask for urgent international assistance. It has claimed that some 6.5 million people need assistance while in reality close to 14 million Ethiopians face the deadly spectre of famine. For more than a year the regime denied the actual number of famine victims because it went against its claim of 11% economic growth per year.

October 22/2009


Reliable reports revealing the sad fact that the Meles Zenawi regime has leased out parts of the Gambella National park land to a Saudi Arabian modern farming company and that the felling of the trees has begun in earnest has highlighted the regime's intensified assault on the environment in Ethiopia. It is to be remembered that the vast Nech Sar Park was torched by the cadres of the regime some years back leading to the loss of the forest and wild life.

DEBTERAW EDITORIAL: As in Conakry so was it in Addis Abeba
(A Comment on UN's Double Standard, 22 October 2009)

It is interesting to note all the ongoing hue and cry against the putschist in Conakry, Guinea and the killing of some 150 protesters. Sanctions, arms embargo and a call for the immediate resignation of the coup maker have been heard from official Washington, France and even the UN. The official and loud uproar against the killing of peaceful protesters brings to mind the continuing double standards of the UN and the big powers that baby-sit African regimes. Read More…..


Ethiopia asks for urgent food aid

The Ethiopian government has asked the international community for emergency food aid for 6.2 million people.

The request came at a meeting of donors to discuss the impact of a prolonged drought affecting parts of East Africa.

Ethiopia: Famine of Leadership

The author can be reached at

“One of the remarkable facts in the terrible history of famine is that no substantial famine has ever occurred in a country with a democratic form of government and a relatively free press.”1 These are the words of the renowned Nobel Peace Prize winning economist Dr. Amartya Sen. His well articulated work establishing the link between undemocratic governance with famine is one of the most significant research findings that sheds light on the causes of famine and starvation

Search a Child, Pay Cash - The Adoption Lobby - Part 1
The Story looks into how the system of intercountry adoption works and how political pressure is applied to ease the business in children.

Search a Child, Pay Cash - The Adoption Lobby - Part 2
Part 3:
/ Part 4: / Part 5:

October 17/2009


"The right to food is a human right and is a binding obligation well-established under international law, recognised in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as well as a plethora of other instruments

Ethiopian scientist wins World Food Prize for sorghum

An Ethiopian agronomist who developed a drought- and weed-resistant form of sorghum, one of the world's principals grains, is the winner of this year's $250,000 World Food Prize.

Gebisa Ejeta, now a professor of agronomy at Purdue University in West Layfayette, Ind., spent the 1980s and 1990s working in Sudan to create a form of sorghum that yields five to 10 times higher than traditionally grown sorghum.

WASHINGTON UPDATE October 15, 2009

Famine still stalks the Ethiopian countryside.  In areas of the country not favored by the ruling regime many people are starving.  According to the United Nations their numbers are between six and eight million persons or about 10 % of the entire population.

August 17/2009

All over the Middle East and in Libya too, the rights of Ethiopians, refugees and domestic workers, are being grossly violated, The recent victim is a young woman in her twenties who was kidnapped in the Al Daid region of Sharjah (UAE), gang raped and then struck by stones till she died. The main killer had previously murdered a young Pakistani girl but was released when he paid blood money.


By Hama Tuma

I am sure there are a lot of people who think that begging needs no training, all you have to do is look miserly (which you will look if reduced to that state of starvation and stress or anxiety anyway), roll your eyes, and beg.

Washington UpdateOctober 6, 2009 - Quiet before the storm.

Based on recent meetings with key policy makers, it is clear that although the Obama administration and Congress have been silent regarding possible changes in U.S. policy toward Ethiopia, this does not mean they have been inactive. In fact, sources in the administration, on Capitol Hill and Washington think tanks indicate that a major review of U.S.

Stop " Harvesting "Children

(AESED/IEWO, the International Ethiopian Women's Organization) September 2009

AESED/IEWO, the International Ethiopian Women's Organization believes that denouncing adoption abuse should be everyone's obligation. The recent audio and written documentary presented in the Australian ABC television program and website reports a lot of sad things about how Ethiopian children who still have their parents are treated as if they are orphans. This information, which had been reported by SOCEPP

We Need to Meet Our Obligation Now Or Never!

By Yelfiwos WondayaOne would ask what our forefathers have done differently from ours to save our Ethiopia and made her continue as an independent nation for centuries. Yes history has it that, only the blessed ones are capable of sacrificing themselves to their motherland

Before Lucy came Ardi, new earliest hominid found

WASHINGTON – The story of humankind is reaching back another million years as scientists learn more about "Ardi," a hominid who lived 4.4 million years ago in what is now Ethiopia. The 110-pound, 4-foot female roamed forests a million years before the famous Lucy, long studied as the earliest skeleton of a human ancestor.


By Seyoum Woubshet

Donald Levine has taken leave of his common sense and objectivity as he wrote his latest article, Looking Ahead, dealing with the upcoming 2010 election in Ethiopia. This, sadly, is not his first time.


Re: Abbay Media and Ato Wendimu MakonenFrom Jemberu Mohabaw

Abbaye Media made big time blunder when it published the Sudan Tribune article as it was and then changed all reference to the EPRP to “opposition organizations”.


Mankelklot Haile Selassie(Ph.D)  - September 22, 2009


1. The struggle in Ethiopia is a function of time:The longer this treasonous group is left to rule Ethiopia, the more the effectiveness of the eroding factors, such as the division of the country along ethnic and language lines, on the unity of the people and the territorial integrity of the country itself. Therefore, the harder itwould become to correct the situation when TPLF is removed. Factor in, the fertile lands being sold to foreigners into this territorial integrity treason.

Re-defining or Re-drawing Ethiopia!!!

By Wolde TewoldeSept 23, 2009Two approaches and two proposals for redefining or redrawing of Ethiopia’s future either by cartography or planning.

On the one hand, there is Ato Zewge Fanta who has written two articles the first one was entitled “Liberators coming north or South” and the second article entitled “Building Democratic Ethiopia: Nation of Individuality”,

Ethiopia Is The Last Country In Africa Allowing Its National Telco, ETC A Monopoly On All Telecom ServicesIt is more of the same

By Seifu Tsegaye DemmissieThe Tigray People`s Liberation Front (Meles/TPLF) and associates have devised and are implementing yet another scam to fleece farmers and amass wealth under the guise of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange. Commodity Exchange is trading in agricultural products and their derivatives.

The Disappeared Since 1991: Teklai G. Selassie, Hagos Bezabih and Deslaegn Amsalu

Teklai Gebre Selassie and Hagos Bezabih, both born in Tigrai, were veteran members of the EPRP. Teklai (aka Alula) was a teacher and Hagos (Berhe ,Wedi Nefas) joined the EPRA (EPRP’ s guerrilla army) as a young man. Both were captured by the TPLF/EPRDF in June 1991. Desalegn Amsalu, born in Gondar, was also a long standng member of the EPRP and the EPRA who fell into the hands of the TPLF/EPRDF in 1991.

Washington Update September 22, 2009

Once again famine stalks Ethiopia and the Ethiopian people face unnecessary hardships due the regimes indifference or outright malice. According to British journalist Paul Rogers writing for The Independent of London

Sudan, Ethiopia to implement border demarcation in October

Friday 18 September 2009 03:00.September 17, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – Ethiopia-Sudan joint committee will begin border demarcation between the two countries next month, a Sudanese minister said.September 17/2009


Egyptian border police have once more shot and killed an Ethiopian refugee trying to cross into Israel. In the past years, these same police have killed dozens of Ethiopians, Eritreans, Sudanese and Somalis in the same way.


The EPRP calls on the government of the Sudan led by General Al-Beshir to withdraw immediately and without condition from the Ethiopian territory that it is occupying in Gondar region.  The Sudan Government has illegally occupied Ethiopian territory, chased away Ethiopian peasants and farmers from their land, closed farms, stationed Sudanese soldiers on Ethiopian soil, damaged farm machinery, arrested and taken to the Sudan Ethiopian nationals and even killed several others over the past months.

Building Democratic Ethiopia ‘Nation of Individuality’ Models Proposed
By Zewge Fanta

Heartbreak in Ethiopia

By Mary Ann Jolley for Foreign Correspondent

Posted Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:07am AEST
Updated Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:23am AEST To View video "Fly Away Children"

An Ethiopian mother with AIDS was given a photo to remember her three children by. The children were adopted by a couple in Florida, United States. (Foreign Correspondent)

INTERNATIONAL ADOPTIONChild Protection or a Breach of Rights?
By Roelie Post



Reliable reports from Addis Ababa reveal that in the last few months the number of young girls being kidnapped from private schools and the number of children being snatched by groups of men travelling in vans has increased. The police are denying his is taking place though some schools like Gelan number 2 have reported that four young girls have been kidnapped in the last two month alone.


By Hama Tuma

Africans may be miserable and subjected to poverty but they are on the whole nice people forever thinking of the welfare of others even in crazy times when they may be forced to indulge in a genocide or cut arms and legs with machetes.

Eritreans versus Ethiopians: Choosing Sides? - SOLUTIONS WITH DEBTERAW: XIV

Call me by my name, address, or title (NAT)By Obo Arada Shawl

September 13, 2009

Our Revolution is based on nurturing the SEEDS, whereas the revolution of MIESON groups and all other subsequent groups and fronts was bent onto the destruction of the seedsW. Kassa M.

By way of Introduction

Many individuals representing websites, magazines, and political organizations have presented their pros and cons whether to ally with the leader of Eritrea, Isaisas Afeworki. In my previous article of Eritreans versus Ethiopians: choosing sides?,

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