U.S. Military Intervention in Africa: The New Blueprint for Global Domination

The United States’ intervention in Africa is driven by America’s desire to secure valuable natural resources and political influence that will ensure the longevity of America’s capitalist system, military industrial complex, and global economic superiority – achieved through the financial and physical control of raw material exports. While America’s prosperity may be waning due to a number of current factors, policy makers are bent on trying to preserve America’s global domination and will pursue policy objectives regardless of the downturn in the economy at large.

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Switching Viewpoints: Africa Is Not a Victim of Nature; It Is a Victor of Nature.

In the new Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), developed by Oxford University to replace the UN's Human Poverty Index, African countries were again ranked as the poorest of the poor.

In that Index, the ten poorest countries in the world, starting from the poorest were: (1) Niger, (2) Ethiopia, (3) Mali, (4) Central African Republic, (5) Burundi, (6) Liberia, (7) Burkina Faso, (8) Guinea, (9) Sierra Leone, and (10) Rwanda. This takes us back to the age-old question: Will Africa's poverty ever be eliminated?

The Eway model for Eathiopia

Call me by my role: AADWA III  - By Obo Arada Shawl
August 13, 2010

  • Emperor Haile Sellasie was dethroned for his inability to separate the state and religion
  • Menghistu was forced to run away due to his inability to separate military from civilian rule
  • Issais is losing popularity due to his inability to distinguish concepts of Harnet from Naznet
  • Meles is hated for knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing (cynicism)
  • EPRP is known for its inability to separate Business from Personal matters

Kenya arrests Ethiopian aliens


Updated : 3days and 4 hours and 15 minutes ago

NAIROBI, Kenya, Aug 18 - Police raided a residential house in the outskirts of Nairobi early Wednesday and arrested 89 illegal Ethiopian immigrants.

The aliens – mainly men aged between 18 and 45 – had been staying in the house in Dagoreti for close to a week before it was raided by police

Gebremariam and Yimer make it an Ethiopian sweep in 2010 Falmouth Road Race results

A fast field lined up for the 2010 CIGNA Falmouth Road Race on Sunday, August 15, but Ethiopians Gebre Gebremariam and Wude Ayalew Yimer finished first in the elite results. Gebremariam and Yimer both beat a slew of Kenyans in contention for the win, with Gebremariam going 32:20 for the close win over Wilson Chebet in 32:21 and Yimer running 35:46 over second place finisher Lineth Chepkurui in 35:50.

Six African migrants killed near Egypt-Israel border

Six African migrants trying to cross into Israel from Egypt's Sinai desert have been killed.

Egyptian security officials said four of the migrants were killed in a dispute with the people smugglers taking them to Israel.

The other two were killed by Egyptian border guards as they tried to cross into Israel.

ለምን ይዋሻል? ( ቁጥር 3)

Meles Zenawi`s political maneuver in the Nile waters

August 11, 2010 at 7:10 pm (Commenatry)

Seifu Tsegaye Demmissie

The last week`s Pro- Meles Zenawi demonstration in Washington DC using the Nile as one of the rallying issues, is Zenawi`s political maneuver in the waters of the Nile. The main purpose and timing of this maneuver are all combined in a manner which is meant to send out signals of deterrent or scare Ethiopians struggling for democracy, freedom and justice

“እሰከ መገንጠል” ሞግዚት ላጣች አገር የተመረጠ የመግደያ መርዝ!”

Opposition conference in Ethipoia vowes bring democracy to Eritrea

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

Aug 1, 2010 (ADDIS ABABA) - Ten Eritrean opposition political organizations are holding a week- long conference in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, to discuss a framework of government should they manage to overthrow the current Asmara regime.

Road accident in Ethiopian capital leaves 20 dead, several injured

APA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
At least 20 people died and several were injured on Saturday in a tragic road accident in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital.

Ethiopian government goes bankrupt: Could this be the way out?

Thursday 29 July 2010 / by Hama Tuma

The second of my three part series, exposing some of our problems and what could be a possible way out, seeks to explore the enticing idea of declaring some African governments bankrupt in order to get rid of them. The Ethiopian government under Meles Zenawi looks like the ideal candidate.

Fabrication of Ethiopian History Continues Unabated

Seyoum Gelaye, Professor
E-mail: Sboggale@yahoo.com
July 22, 2010

Ethiopia.org’s July 18, 2010 interview with Mr. Hassan Abdullahi- Ogaden Liberation Front’s (ONLF’s) Ethiopian Affairs, and Foreign Relations officer- is a good start.

Egypt in Bahr Dar

Ethiopia court rejects final poll result challenge

By Barry Malone

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Ethiopia's highest court on Tuesday rejected a case brought by the country's opposition against the ruling party's landslide May election victory, finally exhausting legal appeals for the defeated parties.

Shedding civilian blood in the name of investment:

Woyane instigated war in the Afar Region of Ethiopia continue to cost civilian lives
Press release, July 17, 2010

Does Egypt Own The Nile?

A Battle Over Precious WaterA dispute between Egypt and upstream African nations has brought to the fore a long-standing controversy over who has rights to the waters of the Nile. The outcome could have profound consequences for the ecological health of the river and for one of the world’s largest tropical wetlands. -- by fred pearce

JULY 15/2010


Kenyan police have launched raids in Pangani and other Nairobi districts where many Ethiopians refugees live. More than 35 have already been arrested.

Uganda's Museveni vows revenge on al-Shabab over blasts

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni has said he will crush Somalia's al-Shabab over Sunday's deadly Kampala blasts which killed 74 people.

እዉን የወያነ ተከታዮች ከዓፋር ግመሎች ባነሰ የኢትዬጵያን ባንዴራ አያዉቋትም?

(ጌታቸዉ ረዳ)

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Twin blasts in Uganda capital Kampala kill at least 50

At least 50 people, including an American, have been killed in twin blast in the Ugandan capital Kampala.

It is not known what caused the blasts, which police said went off at a rugby club and at a restaurant as football fans watched the World Cup final.

Abyei killings 'intended to upset Sudan referendum'

Recent killings in Sudan's Abyei region are intended to affect next year's referendum on independence for the south, a local official says.

In the referendum, the contested oil-rich region will decide whether it wants to join the south if it secedes.

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Unearthed, the ancient texts that tell story of Christianity

A British bookbinder has restored ancient copies of the gospels dating back to the fourth century, writes Jerome Taylor

Bridging the Unchained Triangular Political Thinking in Ethiopia

Ramidus Afar

EPRP Youth League First Anniversary (30 June 2010)

The Election Of May 23 Mankelklot Haile Selassie (PhD) July 2, 2010

The threat of a water war

Egypt and Sudan draw battle lines with upstream nations over access to the Nile

Ethiopian newspaper reports tampering of its mail

CPJ New York, June 29, 2010—Ethiopia’s postal service should a conduct thorough and transparent investigation into the tampering of mail addressed to the country’s leading critical newspaper, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

Ali Husien's new song "Mama Ethiopia" and his interview with the CBC

E African nations firm on Nile deal

Five East African countries have announced their refusal to go back on a deal they signed last month to share the waters of the Nile, despite fierce criticism from Egypt and Sudan.

G8-G20 picture, Toronto

G8-G20 Peaceful Demonstration, Toronto,Canada - Video

Inviting Africans to G8 Meeting "Is Just Window-Dressing"

By Stephanie Nieuwoudt

CAPE TOWN, Jun 23, 2010 (IPS) - Questions are being asked about whether the Group of Eight invitation to seven African states to attend its summit in Ontario, Canada, reflects its concern about the litany of unmet promises dating from its 2005 Gleneagles meeting -- or whether it merely amounts to another bout of window-dressing.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper invited seven African countries to attend this year’s Group of Eight (G8) summit to be held in his country on Jun. 25-26. They are: South Africa, Malawi, Ethiopia, Senegal, Nigeria, Algeria and Egypt.

Confessions of a disappointed Ethiopian

By Yilma Bekele

Foreign policy magazine had an article by Professor George Ayittey titled “The worst of the worst-bad dude dictators and general coconut heads.” As an Ethiopian I was sold by the title. I knew I was in familiar territory. That is one category we can claim ownership.

Father and daughter are fighting against injustice especially in Ethiopia



As the world observes June 20 refugee day, SOCEPP is sadly obliged to state that the plight of Ethiopian refugees has worsened all over the world.

Hundreds of refugees perish in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean s they try o make their way to Yemen or Italy, immigration authorities deny them asylum on the flimsiest of pretexts, Libya holds hundreds in desert prisons, Sudan recently deported 48 Ethiopian refugees to placate the authorities in Addis Abeba.

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በ ቪኦኤ ዜና | ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ

Winnipeg Free Press - ONLINE EDITION

Ethiopian expatriate aims to end violence in former homeland

Ali Saeed is organizing The Night of the Disappeared on June 20 at the West End Cultural Centre to raise awareness and funds to put an end to political killings and disappearances in Ethiopia.

Ali Saeed was jailed and tortured more than 25 years ago in Ethiopia during the dreaded Red Terror campaign for his efforts to promote freedom of speech.

Thousands of Ethiopians were imprisoned or tortured during the campaign because of their opposition to the government. Many of them vanished and were never seen again.

Ethiopian Official Receives Death Sentence for Rebel Support

By Jason McLure

June 16 (Bloomberg) -- Ethiopia’s Federal High Court sentenced a former top regional official to death for killing three people and organizing a separatist group in the western Benishangul Gumuz region, the state news agency reported.

Fatal fire leaves survivors, firefighters seeking answers

Seattle Fire Department officials said Sunday they still don't know what caused Saturday's fatal fire that killed four children and a woman.

With the first floor of her home in flames, Helen Gebregiorgis rushed upstairs to alert her sister and five young children as the smoke alarm blared.

Ethiopian community mourns 5 dead in Seattle fire

Campaign Against Dysfunctional Behaviors (CADB)

"You can take me out of Ethiopia, but you can’t take Ethiopia out of me”

Many Ethiopians and those interested in Ethiopia have asked themselves over the years why Ethiopians cannot get along, or why Ethiopian organizations, groups, or collectives seem to not work very well.


We the undersigned strongly denounce and protest against the politically partisan reporting and interviews made by some of the VOA Amharic service reporters/ presenters. Our denunciation is especially directed at the sympathetic and supportive interview of Dr. Hailu Araya who was a central committee member of Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam's pro Soviet totalitarian party. The interviewer (Adissu) could ill conceal his support to the position of Dr. Hailu, who has yet to account for his role as a high official of the murderous regime. Dr. Hailu denied there ever was a Red Terror declared by the Mengistu regime in Ethiopia,

Ethiopia Election Board Rejects Call for New Poll

Ethiopia's elections body has rejected opposition calls for a re-run of last month's parliamentary poll, won by the ruling party in a landslide

Ethiopia: Gambella Town Mayor Shot Dead

By Anyuak Media
Posted to the web on June 9, 2010

June 9 , 2010 (GAMBELLA) — At 3:30 PM local time on Sunday June 6, 2010, terrified Gambella residents heard heavy gunshots at Chengkwar (Newland) area. They woke up to learn the death of Gambella Town Mayor, Thok Pal Reik.

Turning a blind eye to Ethiopia's crimes against its own people


LETTER FROM ADDIS ABABA: Ethiopian stability is key to maintaining regional stability in the volatile horn of Africa

ETHIOPIA CONFOUNDS the senses. You land in the capital expecting grinding poverty and a harsh, arid climate. Instead, you stumble on a cityscape tucked between soft green hills, gleaming confidently with new glass buildings that rise and expand by the day.

KHARTOUM — Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir on Saturday warned of an "explosive" situation between north and south Sudan if the south chooses to break away in a referendum next year.

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