Unconfirmed Report on the possibility of pardon for CUDP leaders?

July 19, 2007

Unconfirmed report is swirling around world wide Ethiopian communities that there is a remote possibility, the 35 opposition members sentenced to life can be pardoned and released as early as Friday July 20, 2007.

Read More>>> (Amharic - Reported by EMF website)

Ethiopia leaning to clemency in opposition case

Thu 19 Jul 2007, 16:34 GMT

By Tsegaye Tadesse

ADDIS ABABA, July 19 (Reuters) - Ethiopia is leaning towards granting clemency to opposition members sentenced this week to life in prison, a government source said on Thursday.

The United States, a major ally, has urged Ethiopia to consider clemency after 35 opposition members were given life sentences on Monday for inciting violence, treason and trying to overthrow the government.


US Legislation on Ethiopia Democracy Moves Forward

18 July 2007

A U.S. congressional panel has approved legislation aimed at supporting democracy and human rights in Ethiopia, sending the bill to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. VOA's Dan Robinson has this report from Capitol Hill.

Lawmakers concerned about Ethiopia have faced the choice of taking steps to pressure the government in Addis Ababa, or waiting for Ethiopia's leaders to act on their own to improve the human rights and political atmosphere there


Open Letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations: Concerning Ethiopia.

By Obang Metho
Director of International Advocacy for the Anuak Justice Council

July 18, 2007.  

U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-6225

Dear Chairman Joseph R. Biden and other members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations:

I am writing this letter to you, not only on behalf of concerned citizens of the United States and Canada of Ethiopian heritage, but as concerned citizens of the world who are standing for justice. We call the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relations on Africa to call a hearing to review foreign policy related to Ethiopia.


The Standard of Right & Wrong

By Getachew Reda

Jeremy Benthoam, in his introduction to the Principles of Moral and Legislation, 1789 ..(1823) said “mankind governed by pain and pleasure. Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do….”.



MS Beyonce Knowles,
Music World Entertainment,
1505 Hadley Street
Houston,TX 77002
Tel: 713 772 5175 fax: 713 772 5175

July 19/2007

Dear Ms Knowles,

SOCEPP is a non political human rights organization that has been struggling for human rights since 1995.We have come to know that you are going to Addis Ababa,Ethiopia, to sing at the regime's so called Millennium festivities. We guess your agreement to do so must have been motivted by your lack of awareness of the nature of the Meles Zenawi regime in power in Ethiopia. SOCEPP calls upon you not to go to Addis Ababa to sing for a regime that has been internationally condemned as one of the worst human rights violator.


IFJ Calls on Ethiopian Prime Minister to Take Action Against Life Sentences for Journalists

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the life prison sentences delivered to six Ethiopian journalists convicted of “outrage against the constitution”, along with opposition members and activists in relation to anti-government riots that took place after national elections in 2005.


Ethiopia life jail terms attacked (BBC NEWS)

The head of the European Union 2005 election observers in Ethiopia has said she is "appalled" at the life sentences given to 30 opposition leaders.

Ana Gomes told the BBC the sentences were "farcical" and "inhumane" and urged the EU to seek their release.


Ethiopian opposition leaders get life sentence

Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:41PM EDT - REUTERs

By Tsegaye Tadesse

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - An Ethiopian court sentenced 35 opposition members to life in prison on Monday, rebuffing a prosecution request that they be executed for trying to overthrow the government, treason and inciting violence.


To Al Mariam & Tecola Hagos

By Getachew Reda

I followed both of your comments about Siye Abraha the one time powerful TPLF authority about his positive comments after he got out of prison system- from the system on which he participated to be built that way (we can argue all day about that), the system that slaughtered, burned alive and kidnapped so many educated and farmers in the jungle and in towns and cities.


Statement on the unfolding reports of Human Tragedy in Ogaden, Eastern Ethiopia


Increasingly disturbing news is trickling out of the Ogaden region in Eastern Ethiopia. In addition to varying reports by different media sources, on July 4, 2007, Human Rights Watch issued a report outlining the ongoing collective punishment perpetrated by the ruling EPRDF


Yalemzewd faces the courts -- and this time the international media is not shining the light on her case
Ethiopian American Civic Advocacy (EACA)

Dear friends of the pro-democracy movement!

Yalemzewd was hauled before the court a few days ago, to face the usual ridiculous charges. She was dragged into prison last year as well, but there is a big difference between now and then. Last year, the international media was all over her case. This time they remained completely mum. The huge media coverage is likely to have contributed to her being freed on bail. The silence this time could mean she will be imprisoned again, this time away from the media limelight. Please make sure the light is shone on her case! EACA composed the below letter to the editor, sent to The Economist magazine. Please contact all other media outlets which reported on Yalemzewd’s case in October but were silent this time. Feel free to use this letter and adapt and personalise it.


Ethiopians in Transformation: Becoming People of Action! (Part I of a report on the Ethiopian movement for peace, justice and freedom in Europe)


“He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”  

Proverbs 14:31 =====================

In May, I received an invitation from Ana Gomes, the EU Chief Election Observer of the 2005 Ethiopian National Election to speak at the 13 th Session of the African-Caribbean-Pacific- European Union (ACP-EU) Joint Parliamentarian Assembly that would be held in Wiesbaden, Germany, from June 25 to 28.


We endorse the Declaration of Commitment to Human Rights in Ethiopia  Petition to The People of Ethiopia.


It should be ‘Good –Feel Time’ for Ethiopia : Not the time to threaten the death Penalty!

Mammo Muchie, Chair, on Behalf of o NES (Network of Ethiopian Scholars)
July 14, 2007

..... In Ethiopia the millennium should be a time to bring the nation, the people and the country together by lifting their spirit and creating good-feel, and bringing wisdom, celebration, joy, excellence and quality in the communication amongst the people to increase and consolidate their solidarity and lessen their divisions and quarrels.


CALL ME BY MY NAME: A debate with Debteraw, extra 13

Wolde Tewolde alias Obo Arada Shawl
13 July 2007


My sister and I were born on Paguame 3, during the 13 th Month of Sunshine countries of Ethiopia and Eritrea. How many of us were born if not on the 3 rd, at least during the month of Paguemen? If you know, please assist me in figuring it out. In Eritrea, there are 33,000 of us. In Ethiopia, there would be approximately about 430,000 (33 x 13).


Congressman Donald Payne has re-scheduled mark-up of H.R. 2003 for July 18, 2007, at 10:15 a.m. We thank Don Payne for his commitment to freedom, democracy and human rights in Ethiopia.

On June 26, 2007, (the initial scheduled date for mark-up of H.R. 2003), Zenawi tried to pull the usual “fast one” on Congress by threatening to take the Kality political prisoners hostage. He effectively blackmailed the members of the Committee by threatening to indefinitely jail the Kality prisoners should the bill be marked-up. At the time, Zenawi’s regime had requested a 2-week postponement of the mark-up so that a negotiated release of the Kality prisoners could be effected. The regime had calculated that it could derail the bill by removing it from the June 26 calendar.


The Dubious Path of the Resistance: Can the Ethiopian Diaspora Contribute to Future Political Stability and the Development of Democratic Institutions in Ethiopia?


   By Maru Gubena

It would certainly not be wrong to argue boldly that the current Ethiopian Diaspora resistance has been made more and more complicated, or even entangled to the point that it has become for most of us difficult, if not impossible, to explain as effectively as possible – and in a fashion that are acceptable and palatable to the majority of the Ethiopian community – what exactly went wrong with us.


Kinijit: the victim of Legal Fiction and Abuse of Process

By Tadesse Walle (PhD )  

The mother of all sham trials and conviction  against the icons of Ethiopia is not only flawed and perverse but  also a declaration of war against the virtues of democracy, human  rights protection and against the fundamental rights of the Ethiopian people:typical to the irony of ironies and to the dismay of time & history; the international community has witnessed what is meant to be a bogus trial, conducted by an incompetent Court whereby just men and women who stand for democracy and justice  are  driven to jail, forget the call for death penalty.


Off with their heads, maybe

Jul 12th 2007 | NAIROBI
From The Economist print edition

Will the political dissidents be spared?

EARLIER this year, Ethiopian courts released many of the country's most important political dissidents from the grim Kaliti jail on the outskirts of Addis Ababa. They had been there since they were rounded up by police following opposition protests (in which 193 people were killed) against flawed presidential elections in 2005. In another promising sign of reconciliation, charges against the 38 remaining defendants were reduced from treason and genocide to “outrage against the constitution” and “incitement to armed rebellion”.


Ethiopia's democracy on trial

By Elizabeth Blunt
BBC News, Addis Ababa

As they turned up in court, expecting to hear their fate, Ethiopia's 38 detained opposition leaders put on a show of bravado. The CUD leader and principal accused, Hailu Shewal, flaunted a scarf in the colours of the Ethiopian national flag.

One of his colleagues had a ribbon in the national colours tucked into his hatband.




As reported by a number of media sources, on Monday, July 9, 2007, the prosecutors in Ethiopia asked for the death penalty for 38 politicians and activists accused of “inciting violence in an attempt to overthrow the government”.


Ethiopians in the Ogaden Need Our Help—Let Us Stand United Against the Terrorism of Our People!


July 9, 2007.

As most Ethiopians come out with outrage to the guilty verdict against the Opposition leaders and other political prisoners, we should come out with outrage to the killing going on in the Ogaden against our fellow Ethiopians living there. Human Rights Watch and a few others in the international media, like Jeffrey Gettleman of the New York Times, have reported on the numbers of women and children being killed daily by the EPRDF-controlled military. Although the EPRDF Minister of Foreign Affairs, Seyoum Mesfin, used the website Ethio-media—blocked within Ethiopia by his own administration—to berate Gettleman’s report as being outrageously false, we know differently! Lies, in the company of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, are nothing new for this regime!


Ethiopia death call surprises US (BBC NEWS)

The United States has said it is "surprised" at the call by an Ethiopian prosecutor for the death penalty for 38 opposition leaders.

The 38 were found guilty of links to violent election protests in 2005.

A US spokesman urged the Ethiopian government and the High Court to "promote much-needed reconciliation" in final sentencing.

The US is a close ally of Ethiopia's Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and helped his forces oust Islamists in Somalia.

Ethiopia's government has always stressed that the courts are independent and denies that the trial is political.

Relatives of the 38 Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) leaders say they have signed a document which might pave the way for them to be freed.

The BBC's Elizabeth Blunt in Addis Ababa says this could be some form of apology or plea for mercy.


Ethiopian call for death penalty (BBC NEWS)

An Ethiopian prosecutor has demanded the death penalty for a group of 38 opposition leaders found guilty of links to violent election protests.

Prosecutor Abraham Tetemke said they had tried to bring down the government.

Among them are several of the capital's elected MPs and city councillors, including Berhanu Negga, mayor-elect of Addis Ababa.

Some 193 people were killed in protests at alleged rigged elections in 2005. Most of the dead were protesters


CALL ME BY MY NAME: A debate with Debteraw, XIII

Wolde Tewolde alias Obo Arada Shawl

What does Debteraw mean? A couple of months ago, someone bitterly but respectfully emailed me. Another individual who knows me personally and who believes in himself as a real Marxist came and attacked me verbally “why in the name of Debteraw- a Marxist like myself- portray him as a reactionary who has faith-love-hope. What is wrong with you?” I knew then he read my article call me by my name, XII.


Half Million Afar Pastoralists Risk Displacement and Environmental Disaster In the Awash Valley of Ethiopia!

From Afar Human Rights Organisation (AHRO)

The Afar people in Ethiopia live in the north-eastern part of the country known as the Afar Regional State. The pastoralist Afar of the area is mainly dependent on livestock rearing. The traditional Afar economy survived for centuries by adapting a lifestyle of pastoralist, being opportunistic and utilizing scarce resources by migrating from place to place. The Afars have strong ties to their ecosystem and have unique traditional values that promote harmony between human, livestock and nature.


Day Two: Ex-EPRP members’ Conference in Dallas (07/05/2007)

Conference audio Part I

Conference audio Part II

Conference audio Part III

Conference audio Part IV

Conference audio Part V

Day One: Ex-EPRP members’ Conference in Dallas (07/04/2007)

Conference audio Part I

Conference audio Part II

Conference audio Part III

Conference audio Part IV

Crackdown in Ethiopia condemned (BBC NEWS)

Ethiopia's government has been accused of forcing thousands of civilians from their homes in a campaign against separatist rebels in the south-east.

US-based Human Rights Watch says troops had burned homes, seized livestock and carried out arbitrary arrests.

The group also accused the rebels of targeting officials and clan leaders who failed to support its insurgency.

Security was stepped up in April in the remote Somalia region after a deadly rebel raid on a Chinese-run oil field.

The ethnic Somali rebels - the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) - have been fighting for secession for the Somali region, also known as the Ogaden, since the 1990s.


Ethiopia punishes civilians in rebel crackdown-group

Wed 4 Jul 2007, 7:10 GMT

NAIROBI, July 4 (Reuters) - A U.S.-based human rights group accused the Ethiopian military on Wednesday of burning homes and forcibly displacing thousands of villagers in a campaign against separatist rebels in the southeastern Ogaden region.

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi announced a crackdown last month on insurgents in Ogaden who raided a Chinese-run oil exploration field in April, killing 74 people.

The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) is seeking more autonomy for its ethnically Somali region, bordering Somalia. Addis Ababa says it is a terrorist group bankrolled by arch-foe Eritrea.


Eastern Sudan farmers get back disputed lands from Ethiopia

Wednesday 4 July 2007 05:00.

July 3, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — A joint Sudanese-Ethiopian committee would start today to hand over agricultural lands to residents of more than 17 Sudanese villages located in eastern Atbara River along the Ethiopia-Sudan border.

The agricultural lands remained a source of dispute for more than 100 years.



July 01, 2007 radio programme of the International Ethiopian Women's Organisation (IEWO)

At Summit for African Leaders, IFJ Calls for Release of Imprisoned Journalists

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the leaders of Africa meeting for their annual summit to free all journalists imprisoned on the continent as part of its ‘African Journalists out of Jail Campaign.’


Zenawi’s “Report to the House of People’s Representatives of the Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , June 1999 E.C.” An Analysis and Commentary

Alemayehu G. Mariam

A Note of Full Disclosure to the Reader:

This analysis/commentary is written at the behest of numerous individuals and organizations who wanted to hear my views on Zenawi’s recent speech presented in the form of a “report” to his “House of People’s Representatives”1. In the past, I have deferred to the commentary and scrutiny of independent local media sources and opposition political groups for enlightenment on Zenawi’s shenanigans.


Africa must unite with a big-bang even if the heavens fall: A Call to the Summit in ACCRA!!

Network of Ethiopian Scholars (NES) June 29-30, 2007

  1. Inspiring quotes !

    The brighter day is rising upon Africa. Already I seem to see her chains dissolved her desert plains red with harvest, her Abyssinia and Zululand the seats of science and religion, reflecting the glory of the rising sun from the spires of their churches and universities.
                (Kwame Nkrumah), Pan-Africanist first leader of Independent Ghana

    Had I more than one life to live I would spend it for Africa
               (George Padmore) , Trinidadian Pan-Africanist who joined Ghana’s first independent
                Government after 1957


Ethiopian Premier Admits Errors on Somalia

Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, June 29, 2007; Page A16

NAIROBI, June 28 -- Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said Thursday that his government "made a wrong political calculation" when it intervened in Somalia, where Ethiopian troops are bogged down in a fight against a growing insurgency.


Ethiopia calls West's appeals for prisoners "shameful"

28 Jun 2007 15:58:22 GMT
Source: Reuters
In an address to parliament, Meles lambasted the Addis Ababa-based Western ambassadors, some of whom were listening to his speech in the gallery, and accused them of pressuring him.

"In Ethiopia there is nothing that can be resolved as a result of external pressure," he said.

The officials were convicted this month of charges relating to violent protests over disputed 2005 polls that altered the political landscape in the country of 81 million by handing the opposition a vastly increased share of parliament.


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I met a grim skeleton
freshly dug out of the grave
by armed young men chasing
their own agenda.
He was cursing and wailing
at everyone he met
this grim skeleton
just dug out from the grave.
I asked him why
he raved and cursed
He cursed me some
and then explained.
They dig us out
to kill us again, he said.
I've walked around
and I see everyone is dead,
the skeleton complained.
Why did we die in the first place,
go to the grave,
if those alive, for whom we died
are actually dead
and the killers dig us out
to deny us rest?
I had no easy answer
and the skeleton wept.

Hama Tuma (1995)

“No pain, No gain”
(by Sahlu Bekele)

There lies an old nation
The cradle of creation
Rich with history and culture
With a glorious past and hazy future

There triumph the heroes and the heroines
In the land of the lions and the lioness
Defenders of the motherland
Pillars of the grand stand



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